Chapter 1338

Therefore, she will never hold back.

The illusion of Yan Fei, coupled with the "control" technique she practiced, superimposed the two, and the power increased suddenly.

The two masters who were coming towards them froze, turned around and attacked each other.

"What are you doing!" On the other side, a man in black yelled, flying over to help.

However, Di Kongxuan was already standing in front of him, and with a slap of his palm, spiritual power poured out like a tide, and the man in black naturally didn't dare to push himself, and quickly backed away.

Duanmuyi concentrates on controlling. When performing this exercise, the only shortcoming is probably that she can't be distracted, otherwise the exercise will backfire, and she will suffer a lot.

Fortunately, now that Di Kongxuan and Erhu are helping her, she doesn't have to worry about threats from her back.

After a few minutes of such control, one of the two men in black slapped spiritual power into the other's sky cap, and the other cut off one of the man's legs with a long knife in his hand.

Drenched with blood, the bone-eating pain made them wake up for a short time.

The man with the shattered sky spirit cover was completely dead and fell into the mountains.

The other person turned his head, looked at Duanmuyi resentfully, and said with a grin: "I remember you, and our Black League also remembers you.

If you are targeted by our black alliance, you will be hunted down by us for the rest of your life!

End of the world, until death! "

Duanmuyi sneered, squeezed his palms, and punched back, his spiritual power turned into a huge fist, which hit the man's chest.

"Really? Then you die first."

Di Kongxuan had already dealt with two people, Erhu also killed one person, and the remaining five people gathered together, seeing that the situation was not right, they turned around and withdrew.

Duanmu wanted to chase, but was stopped by Di Kongxuan.

"Miss, you can't beat them." Di Kongxuan pulled her back to the mountain, then rolled up his sleeves and said, "Miss, look, Dabai is injured."

Duan Muyi looked over, and almost picked up the Seven Treasures Blade and slashed at his hand again.

His so-called injury turned out to be a shallow bruise. He didn't know who punched him just now.

Duanmuyi sighed, took out a bottle of blood stasis ointment from the spirit ring and applied it on him: "Okay?"

"Yeah." Di Kongxuan smiled, and the color of the whole mountain disappeared in an instant.

There was only this smile left in front of Duanmuyi's eyes.

The two walked out of the forest, and it was already morning after a day.

There is a small town in front of it, and there is a boundary marker outside the town, with four characters written on it - Fenglan Empire.

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief. She wanted to find out how to get to Fenglan Empire, but she didn't expect that she climbed a mountain by mistake and arrived in Fenglan Empire.

Walking into the town, Di Kongxuan stood in front of a restaurant and refused to leave.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Duanmuyi was sweating.

"I'm hungry." Di Kongxuan said.

The waiter inside had already run out, and said with a smile: "Does the guest officer want something to eat?

The shop has the most authentic roast suckling pig, as well as seasonal delicacies, which are kept to satisfy customers.

There is also the best Yunwu wine, which is brewed from the water of Yunwu, and it tastes delicious..."

Xiao Er wanted to continue talking, but Di Kongxuan pushed him away impatiently and entered the restaurant.

Duanmuyi could only follow, and said to Erhu beside him: "He is such a prodigal son, this restaurant seems to be the most expensive in the whole town."

"Actually, Erhu is also hungry." Erhu's stomach groaned in unison.

Duanmuyi said calmly: "Going to a roadside stall to eat a bowl of noodles can also fill your stomach."

(End of this chapter)

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