Chapter 1339

Erhu cried: "Master, you are so cruel."

But it is impossible to eat a bowl of noodles at a roadside stall, Di Kongxuan has already picked a table and sat down.

His face was still covered with the black cloth, which blocked his golden eyes, but it still couldn't block his exquisite and beautiful facial features, and everyone in the restaurant looked at him.

There was a woman sitting at the next table, her gaze had been glued to Di Kongxuan since he sat down.

Duanmuyi pulled Erhu and sat down on the table far away from Dikongxuan, absolutely not joining in the fun.

However, Di Kongxuan had already called out: "Lady, why don't you come and sit down?"

Duanmu smiled meaningfully, and called Xiaoer to order.

But she seems to have forgotten that the current Di Kongxuan is not the previous Dikongxuan, and the previous Dikongxuan might just drink wine and eat boring vegetables by himself.

The current classmate Dabai firmly implemented the principle of "if the mountain doesn't come, I will go to the mountain", walked over, and sat down next to Duanmuyi in a dignified manner.

The entire restaurant was silent.

It is true that the current Duanmuyi is wearing an unremarkable gray long gown, with her hair coiled up, she looks neither male nor female, her face is still dusty, not at all worthy of the emptiness of God.

I don't know who sighed, and everyone at each table started to eat on their own.

The woman didn't seem to want to give up.

Holding the wine glass, he sat down with a smile on the opposite side and looked at Di Kongxuan: "This young master is really good-looking, I wonder if you are interested in having a drink with my family?"

Dikongxuan looked at her for a long while, she kept scratching her head to make a pose, and finally Dikongxuan said: "You are too ugly."

"Pfft—" Duanmuyi sprayed out a mouthful of tea, but luckily she turned her head in time and sprayed it on the ground.

After coughing violently, she raised her head, only to see that the woman was already standing in front of the table, looking at her angrily.

Duanmuyi smiled lightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I didn't see that you sprayed me all over me, why don't you hurry up and apologize!" The woman pointed at Duanmu and said angrily.

Without saying a word, Duanmuyi shot a chopstick straight into the ground, one can imagine the strength.

"You, you wait for me!" The woman turned her head and left angrily.

Duanmuyi shrugged and motioned for Xiaoer to serve.

Although she doesn't like trouble, she is never afraid of trouble.

These people want to die, and she can only fulfill them.

After eating enough, he left. Sure enough, he saw the woman on the street, and she led a group of servants to protect the courtyard, blocking half of the street aggressively.

Duanmuyi pulled the passers-by beside him and asked, "Who is she?"

Passers-by whispered: "Is it from outside? She is the daughter of the mayor of our Qingfeng Town.

I don't know who provoked her again today, and I will have to suffer a little... Hey, why are you going? "

Duanmu turned his head and smiled sweetly: "I'm going to fight."

She turned her head, looked at the woman, and said calmly: "Dabai, it's time to protect the lady, go beat them all to the ground."

Di Kongxuan took a look, very embarrassed: "They are all too weak, I'm afraid I'll beat them to death."

"It's mine to kill." Duanmuyi said.

"Then can I hug you to sleep tonight?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Duanmu gave a cold look to him.

Di Kongxuan flew up without saying a word.

Erhu raised his head and said with a wicked smile: "Master, you have been molested again."

"Shut up, you go too." Duanmuyi kicked it.

(End of this chapter)

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