Chapter 1340

"No, no, my attack is not serious." Erhu quickly shrank aside.

Within 2 minutes, those servants and nurses had all collapsed on the ground.

Di Kongxuan stood with his hands behind his back, blindfolded with a black cloth, but accurately discerned the direction of the four people, "looked" at her, and said, "Don't bother my lady any more."

The woman snorted: "What's so good about her?"

"She is my wife."

"She doesn't look as good as us!"

"She is my wife."


"If you continue to quarrel, I will kill you." Di Kongxuan said indifferently.

The woman fell silent, and saw Dikongxuan and Duanmuyi turn and leave.

After a while, the nurses stood up, everyone looked at each other, and left.

Someone vaguely heard a woman say: "Send a letter to the pavilion master, they have been found, and their identities have been confirmed.

Also, when we fought just now, I had already planted incense on Di Kongxuan's body, and I can chase him from all corners of the world, so please rest assured, Pavilion Master. "

Not long after leaving Qingfeng Town, a man suddenly appeared on the path ahead.

The man was riding a horse, carrying a package on his back, looking at him from a distance with colorful glazed eyes, as if the sky was full of neon lights.

Duanmuyi was taken aback, and subconsciously looked around.

"There is no ambush." ​​The man had already rode over, dismounted in front of him, and smiled, "Mrs. Peony, this king came to look for you alone."

Duanmu asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

"You are the main concubine of this prince. The concubine has run away, so of course this prince will come to find a wife." He Erchuan said solemnly.

"Boring." Duan Muyi walked forward.

He Erchuan hurriedly led the horse to follow: "Listen to me, I proposed to the emperor for a marriage, look at the marriage letter, is it written, Husband He Erchuan, wife Peony... Hey, take a look !"

Duanmuyi stopped and turned to look at him: "My name is not Peony."

One sentence kills.

He Erchuan almost forgot that the name Peony was chosen by him casually.

Di Kongxuan came up, snorted, knocked his shoulder away, and walked forward with Erhu.

He Erchuan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly got on his horse and chased after him: "Where are you going? I'll be with you."

"No need." Duanmuyi refused.

"Fenglan Empire, are you looking for the bone by the stream? I know the approximate location of the bone by the stream!" He Erchuan said hastily.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then looked up at him: "Is there a streamside bone in the Fenglan Empire?"

"Yes, yes, take me with you!" He Erchuan laughed.

Duanmuyi hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Then you follow."

"My lady..." Di Kongxuan was unhappy, he could sense that this man who appeared suddenly was plotting against his lady.

"Let him do odd jobs and bring you footwashing water." Duanmuyi said casually.

Di Kongxuan immediately smiled, this is good.

He Erchuan looked Di Kongxuan back and forth five times, making sure that this person was the one he knew.

But his temperament has undergone a 180-degree change, and he really can't believe it.

This soft, waxy, coquettish and jealous man turned out to be the unfeeling man who was decisive and unyielding before.

"What happened to him?" He Erchuan asked.

Duanmuyi chuckled: "You don't understand even after I've said it, so just play around."

He Erchuan didn't believe it, but when she asked Duanmuyi, she didn't say anything, and when she asked Dikongxuan, she didn't know. In the end, she had no choice but to observe by herself.

Observing, he discovered that even Di Kongxuan's temperament had changed.

(End of this chapter)

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