Chapter 1342

In the next second, a figure flew up from the horse's back, with long legs like a bow, and flung it tensely at Di Kongxuan.

He Erchuan stared dumbfounded as the two fell off the horse and fell into the grass.

At this moment, any level of spiritual strength didn't count, the furious girl Duanmuyi was like a lioness, she pushed Di Kongxuan into the haystack with all her teeth and claws, and greeted him with all her fists.

But it's a pity, He Erchuan found that Di Kongxuan's reaction speed was too fast, every punch of Duanmuyi was stopped by him.

The two were fighting like ordinary people, twisting and turning in the grass, their posture was so wild that people dare not look directly at it.

"Enough!" An angry shout came from the haystack.

Duanmuyi's raindrops of fists stopped immediately, and when she lowered her head, she saw that the black cloth blindfolded the man under her had fallen into an unknown corner.

A look of struggle flashed in his eyes, as if two souls were fighting for control of this body, but his expression was sullen and his gaze was condensed.

"Did you have a good time?" Di Kongxuan smiled coldly, turned over suddenly, and pressed Duanmuyi under him.

"Fuck..." Before Duanmuyi had time to swear, he had already lowered his head and blocked the words she was about to say.

Duanmuyi froze on the spot, feeling the anger in her heart, which was unbelievably calmed down gradually under his kiss.

Her hand grabbed his collar, clenched her fist suddenly, and hit his lower abdomen.

Dikongxuan grunted in pain, but Duanmuyi seized the opportunity, counterattacked him, bit his lips viciously, and let his lips smell of blood.

After a while, she raised her head, wiped a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth, and said with a sneer: "I've had enough of you, Di Kongxuan, enough of your hypocrisy and fickleness.

Do you really think that this girl is a dough, kneading it for you?

Don't provoke me, if you want to talk about routines and molesting people, this girl is a hundred times richer than you!
Now that you're awake, let's make a clean break.

I'll find the medicine myself, and I won't bother you anymore! "

The man under him regained his cuteness and bewilderment: "My lady, what are you talking about?"

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, looked down at him, and suddenly realized that today is the third day of the three-day deadline.

Just now Dikongxuan's original personality will emerge, is it because she beat her too hard?

"Forget it." She waved her hand and got up impatiently.

After finally saying what he said, Di Kongxuan didn't hear it at all.

Duanmuyi felt that he was really unlucky these few days.

After walking two steps, she turned her head, and the Seven Treasure Blade almost poked Dikongxuan's chest: "No more peaches."

"Ah..." Di Kongxuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, "I listen to my lady."

The two had fought just now, and they rolled out a long way. When they walked back to the official road, they saw He Erchuan guarding the three horses boredly.

Seeing them come back, He Erchuan chuckled, pointed at the mud covered heads and bodies of the two, and was overjoyed: "It really was a shocking battle."

Duanmuyi lowered his head to clean up, turned his head and saw Di Kongxuan was still standing there in a daze, turned his head helplessly, and slapped him clean.

"Let's go." Duanmuyi got on the horse first.

He Erchuan followed and asked mysteriously: "Madam also planted peaches? Can you give me a taste?"

(End of this chapter)

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