Chapter 1343

Duanmuyi kicked it mercilessly, but was avoided by He Erchuan, who had been on guard for a long time.

She is depressed.

The two of them didn't realize that Di Kongxuan, who was half a step behind, didn't have the dazed and clear eyes just now, but a deep, like a thousand-year-old ice-cold deep pool, without waves.

It is like the darkest night sky before dawn, devouring all the starlight.

He slowly clenched his fists, but when Duanmuyi turned his head, he gave a dull smile.

In order to find the most convenient way to the southern border, Duanmuyi kept in touch with the spiritual creatures in the mountains all the way. After several days in a row, he found that his cultivation had improved a little bit.

She knew that it would be more difficult to make progress in the later stages of cultivation.

The rapid progress like her is due to her innate blood, which can absorb the power of external spirits anytime and anywhere for her own use;
Secondly, she was lucky enough to meet half of the cultivation that Duan Musen gave her, even though it almost killed her.

What surprised her the most was that she thought that Di Kongxuan was going to return to his original nature, but she didn't expect that after three days, he still looked ignorant.

She was puzzled, but because she couldn't contact Jiang Yi, her original plan to part ways with him was gradually suppressed.

The boring journey finally came to an end when a huge city finally appeared in front of him.

Approaching the edge of the city gate, you can see the huge two characters on the city gate - Fengcheng.

The largest city in the south of the Fenglan Empire has arrived.

After being inspected by the guards, the three of them were able to enter the city. As soon as they entered the city gate, the hustle and bustle of people drowned the three of them like a wave.

Lively, apart from this word, there is no other adjective.

He Erchuan couldn't help but praise: "As expected of the richest Fenglan Empire, the little Fengcheng is already much more lively than the imperial capital."

"Fengcheng is not small. It is the second largest city in Fenglan Empire, second only to the capital of Fenglan Empire." Duanmuyi said, he turned his head and looked around, looking for an inn to stay first.

Suddenly, a carriage stopped not far in front of the three of them, and a man poked his head out of the carriage, looked at them, and said happily, "Grandfather!"

The man named Engong on the street is over forty years old, with a beautiful beard and a handsome beard. It can be seen that he was also a handsome man when he was young. He is the famous Marquis of Zhennan in Fengcheng, surnamed Li.

It is said that he has an unspeakable story with Her Majesty the Queen of Fenglan Empire.

But these are all folk rumors, Duanmuyi also heard He Erchuan mention it, and didn't care.

At this time, Lord Li had already got off the carriage and walked in front of them.

Duanmuyi and He Erchuan looked at each other, wondering—why, it was them?

Lord Li didn't even give the two of them his eyes, he bowed to Di Kongxuan to the end, and said in a loud voice: "I don't know that my benefactor came to Fengcheng, and it's really Li's fault.

If your benefactor has somewhere to go, how about staying with me in the Hou's mansion for a few days? "

Di Kongxuan showed a dazed look at the right time.

Duanmuyi tugged at his sleeve and nodded to him.

A marquis, half a landowner, with his hands, he can help her find medicinal materials, and at the same time help them avoid troubles in the future.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao, that small-bellied woman, will definitely not let her go easily;
Coupled with the inexplicable appearance of the black alliance, it is still a thorn in her heart until now.

(End of this chapter)

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