Chapter 1345

He took revenge on "Peony" for her earlier, but now it can be regarded as revenge.

Lord Li is also a fine person. Looking at it now, he might not know that this is a fake name, but seeing Di Kongxuan's calm look at the side, he doesn't care.

Anyway, the person brought by Di Kongxuan, what can he do?
When the three of them entered the mansion, Duanmu thought that everyone in the mansion was respectful to Di Kongxuan, and they were not really surprised until they entered the living room.

On the left wall of the living room, there is actually a portrait of Di Kongxuan hanging, and there is also a longevity tablet underneath.

The portrait was not realistic, but Duanmu Yi still recognized that this was Di Kongxuan.

She stared at it for a while, and said strangely: "Master Hou, you are..."

Lord Li laughed, and led the three of them to sit down, before he said: "It seems that Miss Mu doesn't know something.

100 years ago, the regime of the Fenglan Empire changed, and Her Majesty the Queen refused to accept the rule and raised troops to force the palace. Our Li family helped Her Majesty the Queen, but we never thought that this would lead to disaster and be assassinated by the opposition.

At that time, the ancestors of the Li family brought a hundred guards, but they were all killed under the siege of 1000 people from the other side.

In the end, it was Engong who appeared, broke into the realm of thousands of people, came and went like the wind, and saved the ancestors. "

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Di Kongxuan: "Have you meddled in the affairs of the royal family?"

Di Kongxuan drank his tea with his head down, staring at a piece of tea leaves for a long time.

Duanmuyi also knew that he couldn't ask anything out of his mouth now, so he could only look at Lord Li.

"Well..." Marquis Li glanced at Di Kongxuan secretly, seeing that he hadn't said a word, he said, "Benefactor is more than meddling in the affairs of the royal family.

There was a melee in the Cangyang Continent 200 years ago. If it hadn't been for the benefactor, all the countries would have been wiped out. How could there be such a peaceful and prosperous world now. "

"As far as I know, there are frequent wars between the Fenglan Empire and the Lunan Empire. How can it be considered a peaceful and prosperous age?" Duanmuyi asked again.

"While there are wars, they are small fights.

I am not very clear about what happened 200 years ago, but I heard from my ancestors that there was a mysterious organization with great power that wanted to rule the entire vast continent.

At that time, the empires joined forces, but they couldn't do anything to the entire mysterious organization.

However, En Gong was able to severely injure the opponent's mysterious leader with his own power, which made us turn defeat into victory.

But it's a pity, at that time, benefactor also..." Li Houye said.

Dikongxuan put down the teacup slowly, and the bottom of the teacup fell on the table, making a moderate sound.

Immediately afterwards, he heard him say: "My lady, I'm hungry."

Master Li wisely stopped, laughed, and said: "It's all my fault for being negligent, I'll let someone prepare the meal."

Outside the door, the butler came to report: "Master, the guest house has been cleaned."

Following the housekeeper to the guest courtyard for a rest, Duanmuyi was thinking about Master Li's words all the way.

This also gave her a deeper understanding of the continent.

However, what surprised her the most was Di Kongxuan.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful?" Duanmuyi looked at Di Kongxuan who was walking in the front, rubbed his chin and muttered, "In this way, isn't he the benefactor of the entire Cangyang Continent?"

He Erchuan walked beside her at some point, and said sourly: "What is this, I think it's probably made up by that Lord Hou.

As the prince of the Hull Empire, if there was such a number one person back then, how could this king not know?

Saved the entire vast continent?

Then the major empires are rushing to regard him as an elder, so why bother to travel outside? "

(End of this chapter)

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