Chapter 1346

"I think you're just jealous that someone is better than you." Duanmuyi glanced at him.

"Mrs. Peony, what is there for this king to be jealous of him?" He Erchuan sneered, stroked the beard growing on his chin, and smiled, his pupils of colorful colored glaze shone brightly.

"This king just can't bear this kind of braggart, as a human being, you should be as aboveboard as this king!

So, if you marry this king and become his concubine, you will definitely not suffer a loss. "

Duanmu Yi Wangtian was speechless - this man really can talk about anything.

Suddenly a figure floated in front of him, a strong wind came, and immediately afterward, the continuous wind of palms and shadows of legs swept over the sky like a tide.

He Erchuan was unprepared and was hit straight.

"Ouch! Di Kongxuan, you sneak attack!" He Erchuan received his last kick and was kicked into the grass.

He stood up rubbing his buttocks, tugged at his collar, and said angrily: "You idiot, this king wants to fight you!"

A gleam of coldness flashed across the bottom of Dikongxuan's eyes, and it was fleeting, but it still fell into He Erchuan's eyes.

He froze for a moment, then saw that Di Kongxuan had turned and left, and said, "It's boring."

Duanmuyi looked at it with great interest, and finally patted He Erchuan's chest, with a smile on his face: "I, lady, his."

"Sooner or later, this king will defeat him!" He Erchuan said viciously, but his heart was full of the look in his eyes just now, and he became even more hesitant.

Duanmuyi turned around and left, seeing him following up again, he asked, "By the way, is the emperor of the Fenglan Empire a woman?"

He Erchuan hummed: "It seems that after the great war 200 years ago, the queen was replaced as the successor.

This is all in the past, and this king has no interest. "

Duanmuyi stopped talking, and his heart was full of curiosity about what happened 200 years ago.

Is that mysterious organization the Black League?

Back then, Dikong Xuan made great efforts to turn the tide, but why was it not recorded in the annals of history?

Why did the Fenglan Empire become the Queen's successor?

And what Lord Li didn't finish saying at the end... what was it?
These questions may only be answered when Di Kongxuan wakes up.

Thinking of this, Duanmuyi became even more anxious. He used to think that Dabai was cute and let her bully him, but now he felt that Dabai's questioning and asking three questions was really mind-boggling.

After dinner, Lord Li asked them to take them to the Hou's mansion to eat, and the three of them walked to the back garden.

He Erchuan was very confused, taking advantage of Dikongxuan not finding out, he pulled Duanmuyi aside, and said in a low voice: "After thinking about it, I still want to tell you...

Just now, I felt that there was something wrong with Di Kongxuan's eyes...

Like, normal him. "

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then said immediately: "Impossible, you mean he pretended to be Dabai?"

"I... I'm not sure either."

Duanmu Yi raised his head and glanced at Di Kongxuan who was waiting for her not far away, and frowned slightly: "I don't think it's possible.

With Di Kongxuan's temperament, if he returns to normal, do you think he will disguise himself as a person with such a personality?
Why bother? "

He Erchuan shook his head, thought for a moment, and said: "Anyway, you should also pay attention, this king has kindly reminded you."

"You think too much." Duanmuyi waved his hand.

In her opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Di Kongxuan to do this kind of thing, it's like forcing him to eat something he doesn't like...

If he doesn't kill you, it's considered kind of him.

(End of this chapter)

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