Chapter 1348

Duanmuyi nodded: "The explanation is in place."

"You won't give it, will you?" Li Shuyu snorted, "Did you really think that our Zhennanhou Mansion is a place where you can run wild!
Zhennanwei listens to the order!Kill this woman! "

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of men in strong clothes suddenly jumped out from around the garden, each holding a long sword, and surrounded the three of them in a well-trained manner.

The butler became anxious now, and hurriedly said: "Third Young Master, Third Young Master can't do this, these are all distinguished guests!

Tell Zhennanwei to stop! "

"What a distinguished guest, the thing I like is my master's!" Li Shuyu's brows flashed a trace of hostility, and then he shouted, "Kill, kill that woman, and cut off her hand!
Who can give her hand to this young master, this young master will reward you with a thousand taels! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a red shadow flew out from Zhennanwei's encirclement, and moved behind him in an instant.

A hand clasped his throat, and a cold voice came out: "Looking for death!"

"Dabai!" Duanmuyi hastily called out to him.

Di Kongxuan raised his head and blinked: "My lady, he wants to hurt you."

"With his three-legged cat skills, he can't hurt me." Duan Muyi signaled him to come back, then looked at the bamboo forest not far away, and said loudly: "It's not easy for Zhennanhou's mansion to train these excellent guards. .

It would be a pity if I killed five or six of them without any seriousness. "

Just as he was speaking, a person ran out of the bamboo forest in a hurry, rushed into Zhennanwei, and beat Li Shuyu on the head and face.

"Stinky boy, if you don't study well all day, you will know that you are arrogant and arrogant! Apologies!"

The one who broke out was indeed Marquis Li.

Li Shuyu was not afraid of anyone but his father, so he ran away immediately, and took his three maids with him before he left.

Lord Li turned his head and said with a smile: "It turns out Miss Mu is Mrs. En Gong, so she was rude just now."

Duanmuyi bent the corners of his lips, his smile didn't reach his eyes, and he just said flatly: "Master Hou is serious. It's just that your son's style is really impressive."

"The child does not teach, the father too.

I will definitely discipline and discipline this kid. Engong and his wife are frightened. "Li Houye said with concern, "I brewed some good tea in the front hall, why don't you walk around and taste the tea?" "

"Dabai, do you want some tea?" Duanmuyi turned around and asked.

Di Kongxuan replied: "Wine, I want to drink."

With a smile in his eyes, Duanmuyi turned his head to look at Lord Li.

Lord Li has a big hobby, that is, drinking.Moreover, he doesn't drink, he only loves to drink wine.

I heard that the wine cellar of the Hou Mansion has fine wines from all over the vast continent. This Lord Li Hou regards his life as life and will not allow anyone to touch it.

But today...

"Haha, it's not easy for Engong to drink." Lihou Ye turned his head and said while feeling pain in his heart, "Take Engong to the front hall for a while, and I'll get the wine."

"Ah, Lord Hou, my eldest brother has always been very knowledgeable about fine wine, why don't you let him go with you, and let him do all the dirty work like carrying wine." Duanmuyi said He Erchuan pushed it out.

He Erchuan turned his head and glared, but only received a paralyzed smile from Duanmuyi.

He muttered, turned his head and said, "Master Hou, please."

The result of asking He Erchuan to help move the wine was that he found the most cherished jar of fine wine by Lord Li, and happily brought the whole jar, and separated it with Duanmuyi.

(End of this chapter)

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