Chapter 1349

Marquis Li was drinking with him, wishing he could have four stomachs and stuff all the wine that he didn't want to taste into his stomach.

After drinking, Duanmuyi was the first to get drunk, and fell into Dikongxuan's arms with his head up.

"Miss?" Di Kongxuan called twice, looking at Lord Li, "what's wrong with her?"

Lord Li said in his heart, benefactor, that you are really good at taking advantage of it. This skill of pretending to be crazy and foolish is really superb.

But he still said kindly: "Madam must be drunk."

"Drunk..." Dikongxuan directly picked up Duanmuyi and went back to the room.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the room, Duanmu Yi had already jumped down, his drunkenness was swept away, and his eyes were clear.

She pressed Dikongxuan on the chair, turned to look at He Erchuan: "How is it?"

"There is nothing unusual about the wine cellar." He Erchuan shook his head, "The bones by the stream should not be in the Hou's residence."

It turned out that when he heard that Lord Li, who was addicted to alcohol, had a wine cellar that people could touch, Duanmuyi thought of the bone by the stream.

This kind of elixir is unparalleled in the world. It appeared three years ago but disappeared strangely. It must have been treasured.

In the entire southern region, Fengcheng Hou's Mansion is the biggest force, and Duanmu can't think of anyone else who can hide the bones by the stream before the Hou's Mansion.

Today they strolled around the back garden and found nothing, not even in the wine cellar. It seems necessary to explore other corners.

"Don't jump to conclusions, the Hou Mansion is so big, there may be other hidden places." Duan Muyi looked outside and said, "I will act when it gets darker, I will steal two servants' clothes first. "

Di Kongxuan stood up and asked, "Lady, what are you looking for?"

"Understand, rest, I'll come back when I go." Duanmuyi turned around and left the room.

He Erchuan was also about to go out, when suddenly a strong wind hit from behind his head.

He was also very responsive, he turned sideways to avoid it, but saw that the hand was about to press on the door, but quickly withdrew his move, and then changed his move.

The man in red had a condensed expression, his eyes were cold, and every move was a killer move.

"Sure enough, you haven't become stupid." He Erchuan slapped him on the palm at the same time, and hit the wall behind him with a bang, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Di Kongxuan clenched his fists and said coldly, "Stay away from her."

"Why?" He Erchuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed, "You just pretend to be stupid and stay by her side, it seems that you also know that once you regain consciousness, she will leave you, right?

You are only worthy of appearing as Dabai!

A man, if he can't be aboveboard, what kind of hero is he! "

"What do you know?" Di Kongxuan's eyes were cold and indifferent, "Don't think that I really dare not kill you."

"Do you know why she wants to leave you?

Because your attitude is unclear. He Erchuan snorted, walked to the door, opened it, turned his head and said proudly, "At first, I thought you cared about her, but I didn't know until later.

The person you pretended to be is not her at all.

That being the case, of course only this king can give her happiness, and she can only be this king's concubine. "

Di Kongxuan bent his lips, smiled coldly, leaned forward, and whispered in his ear: "Then why don't you try."

"Try what?" A woman's cold voice came from the side.

Di Kongxuan froze for a moment, then turned his head to look.

Duanmuyi was holding two pieces of clothes in his hands, and was standing by the door looking at the two of them.

There was peace in her eyes, but she could see the deep coldness underneath.

(End of this chapter)

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