Chapter 1350

Di Kongxuan straightened his back and did not pretend anymore.

He knew it, and she heard it all.

With Duanmuyi's current ability, he can hide her aura, but he didn't pay attention, so naturally he couldn't find her.

He Erchuan was also taken aback for a moment, obviously not aware that she was outside the door: "Peony, you... when did you come here?"

"I just came here." Duanmuyi smiled, and looked at Di Kongxuan, "Pretending to be Dabai was very successful, right?"

"The bone by the stream isn't here, I'll let Xunyi find it." Di Kongxuan said, brushed past her, and left the room.

Duanmuyi stretched out his hand and grabbed him.

"I'll find the bones by the stream myself.

emperor!null!mysterious!Please... stay away from me. "

After finishing speaking, Duanmuyi let go of his hand, entered the door, pushed He Erchuan out together, and then closed the door.

He Erchuan scratched his head, then looked at Di Kongxuan, but he had already walked away.

He murmured, "What are you doing?"

It was not until late at night that Duanmu Yi opened his eyes from the state of meditation.

She has adjusted her state to the best, and I believe that she can search the Hou's mansion tonight.

Just as he was about to get out of bed to change the servant's clothes, he suddenly heard the door bolt rattle.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and saw a figure walking in.

The man slowly opened the bed curtain, but saw Duanmu Yi sleeping soundly.

He smiled coldly, lifted the quilt, and his eyes fell on Duanmuyi's hand.

His hand moved up slowly, and the moment he was about to press Duan Muyi, he saw that the hand had already grasped his wrist with his backhand, and then twisted it.

He heard Li Shuyu scream and fell to the ground with a bang.

Duanmuyi sat up, looked at him, and smiled faintly: "Why, the third young master is visiting late at night, is there something important?

Or, do you not give up on my spirit ring? "

Li Shuyu gritted his teeth, stood up and said, "You woman, don't toast or eat fine wine!"

"In my opinion, you are the one who toasts and refuses to drink fine wine." Duanmuyi sneered, "Grandma is in a bad mood today, you've got me, you're unlucky!"

The door was knocked suddenly, Duanmu raised his eyes and said calmly, "Come in."

"Are you all right? How did I hear..." He Erchuan pushed the door open and entered. When he saw Li Shuyu lying on the ground, he guessed it halfway, strode forward, and picked up his skirt with one hand.

"You kid won't change after repeated admonitions, right?

It seems that this... this young master should teach you a lesson for your father! "

Li Shuyu gritted his teeth, and glared at him not to be outdone: "This is the territory of the Hou Mansion!

You are at best Di Kongxuan's followers, do you really think my father is afraid of you? "

He Erchuan swung his fist and was about to hit him in the stomach.

Duanmuyi stepped forward and stopped him: "Leave it to me."

In the middle of the night, Zhennanhou Mansion suddenly burst into tragic laughter.

Everyone was woken up, and when they followed the sound to find Duanmuyi's courtyard, they saw Li Shuyu, the third son of the Hou Mansion, tied to a tree in the courtyard.

Opposite him was a grand teacher's chair, Duanmuyi was sitting on the chair, with blue-silver light shining in his hands.

Following this light, someone saw countless blades of grass floating behind Li Shuyu.

And Li Shuyu was tied to a tree, laughing until tears came out, his face distorted and painful.

He Erchuan stood beside her with his arms folded across his chest, his eyes swept across the crowd, and his pupils of colorful colored glaze burst into splendor, carrying an inherent arrogance and wildness.

(End of this chapter)

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