Chapter 1351

"Everyone back down!" Lord Li also arrived, and immediately drove away all the servants.

Then he ran to Li Shuyu and looked anxiously, then turned his head and said, "Oh, Miss Mu, Yu'er is naughty, please be merciful, Miss Mu!"

Duanmuyi ticked his fingers, his eyes were indifferent: "Itchy grass can't kill him, I've already shown mercy.

Otherwise, what appeared in front of Lord Hou was probably a corpse. "

"This..." Seeing her expression, Marquis Li knew there was nothing going on, and seeing He Erchuan's attitude of being a slave to a tiger, he was a little unhappy at the moment.

He couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "Miss Mu, this Marquis also treats you with courtesy because of your close relationship with benefactor.

Is it too much for the two of you to do this? "

Duanmuyi sneered: "Too much?
It seems that the thieves and thieves of the third son are also the ones Hou Ye is used to, right?
Okay, I have opened my eyes today.

Li Shuyu! "

When she called her name, Li Shuyu, who twitched from laughter, hurriedly responded in a daze.

"You know what's wrong?"

"Yeah, yum!" Li Shuyu nodded desperately.

With a flick of his finger, Duanmuyi collected his spiritual power into his palm, and the vines that bound Li Shuyu also scattered automatically.

Lord Li took two steps forward, and caught Li Shuyu who was about to fall to the ground.

Li Shuyu suddenly stretched out his hand, pushed Lord Li away, leaped forward like a hungry tiger, and immediately threw Duanmuyi to the ground.

"Give it to me!" Li Shuyu pulled out the dagger with a loud sound, and was about to cut off Duanmuyi's fingers.

"Yu'er can't do it!" Li Houye was so frightened that he ran up to stop him.

But he was far away, and when he took the first step, the dagger had already cut through.

The next moment, it was Li Shuyu who screamed.

At the same time as He Erchuan kicked over, a red light pierced through the air, and a piece of little finger fell to the ground along with splashing blood.

Li Shuyu hugged his injured right hand and rolled around.

Di Kongxuan's figure had already landed in the courtyard.

His indifferent eyes swept across, making people feel scalp numb.

Lord Li ran over in fear, picked up his son, and said in a trembling voice, "En... Gonggong..."

"Leave him." Di Kongxuan said coldly.

"Benefactor, please forgive me!" Lord Marquis Li quickly knelt down, "I will ask Yu'er to make amends, Miss Mu can do whatever Yu'er wants, please benefactor, please spare his life!"

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes, slowly clenched his fist, and the red light and shadow lingered on his fist.

"I don't like saying the same thing over and over again."

Li Shuyu's face turned pale from the pain, but he also sensed Di Kongxuan's almost substantive murderous intent, and hurriedly yelled: "You can't kill me, don't kill me... Miss Mu, Miss Mu, please forgive me, I was wrong, I really know wrong……"

Lord Li nodded repeatedly.

Di Kongxuan put two fingers together, and a red blade has been transformed into a red blade, aiming at Li Shuyu's back.

Li Shuyu was so frightened that his face paled. He suddenly thought of something, turned his head, and knelt down in front of Duanmuyi: "Master! Please accept me as an apprentice!"

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows and looked down at him.

The fundus of his eyes was thick and black, and he couldn't see any regret, but he could see strong fear.

"You apprentice, I can't afford it." Duanmu turned around and said calmly, "Kill you, dirty my eyes, you can go."

Seeing that she didn't pursue Li Shuyu's troubles, Lord Li immediately thanked her, grabbed Li Shuyu's ears, and pulled him out.

(End of this chapter)

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