Chapter 1352

All the way, I only heard Li Shuyu's wailing, and everyone in the Hou Mansion knew that the third son had snatched Mu Liu's spirit ring, which made Li Houye ashamed and locked Li Shuyu in the firewood room.

Dikongxuan's eyes were dim, and he scanned Duanmuyi's room, and then looked at He Erchuan who hadn't left yet.

He Erchuan glanced at him, turned around, flew directly to the big tree in the yard, and found a comfortable branch to sit down on.

His eyes fluttered, and he kept saying: "This angle is good, you can just see Mrs. Peony's bed.

Ouch, Madam's sleeping position is really wonderful..."


A flash of red light flashed, and the thick trunk split from it, and the whole tree was divided into two halves, and fell down.

He Erchuan hurriedly dodged away, turned his head angrily, but could only see the figure of Di Kongxuan turning his head and leaving.

The next morning, Duanmuyi woke up from the sedation, breathed out a foul breath, and then his mind moved.

Erhu came out of the spirit pet space and took the shape of a human.

"Master, it's better for you not to cultivate. You are in a state of instability. Last night, you almost lost your temper. It scared me to death." Erhu said.

Duanmuyi naturally knew that she was not suitable for cultivation now, but besides cultivation, she had nothing else to do.

The whereabouts of the bone by the stream is unknown and needs to be investigated, but even if it is found, it is still a question of whether it can be obtained smoothly.

With her early Golden Core cultivation base, she really doesn't have the capital to be rampant here, especially after that black alliance appeared, and those people's cultivation bases were all above the Golden Core Stage.

She provoked this group of people. If she wants to protect herself, she must at least have the strength of Jindan's later stage to be sure.

It seems that she has to find time to enter the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm to improve her cultivation level.

"Mrs. Peony!" He Erchuan's voice sounded from outside.

Erhu ran over and opened the door, He Erchuan picked him up, patted his pink butt, and smiled: "Little guy!"

"Let go of me!" Erhu kicked his legs desperately, yelling dissatisfied.

Duanmuyi stood up, rescued Erhu, and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Of course, I saw someone enter Di Kongxuan's courtyard just now, guess who it is?" He Erchuan asked mysteriously.

Duanmu Yi's eyes were dim, and he turned his head and said, "I'm not interested in knowing."

He Erchuan took her arm and said, "No, no, this is too much, I must take you to see it.

walk around. "

"I'm not going!" Duanmuyi twisted his arm away, and the two walked to Dikongxuan's courtyard, and when they looked up, they met the two people in the courtyard.

Xin Xuerou was leaning on Di Kongxuan's shoulder, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and her stunning face was pear-blossomed with rain, and she looked pitiful.

Seeing them coming, Di Kongxuan had already pushed Shen Xuerou away without a trace, his eyes flicked at He Erchuan's hand holding Duanmuyi, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

Duanmuyi turned his head and left.

"Just leave like that?" He Erchuan chased after her and stopped her, "The woman leaned on him, so you don't want to say something?"

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows, folded his arms around his chest: "Oh? What do you want me to say?"

"For example, say that I am a good man worth entrusting." He Erchuan patted his chest.

"Based on the eighth wife in your yard?" Duanmu asked.

He Erchuan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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