Chapter 1355

She has been extremely angry these past two days and always wants to kill people. This is not good. Once she practiced, she would go mad.

Back in the room, Erhu came out of the spirit pet space, sniffed around, and suddenly ran to the window sill, and took a small box.

"What is this?" Duanmuyi asked after drinking a glass of water.

The ear fox opened it and said in surprise: "Six Leaf Jingling Fruit.

This is a good panacea, which can make people calm down, concentrate on cultivation, and get rid of all distracting thoughts.

Ordinary Jingling Fruits have two or three leaves, but this one has six leaves, which is the best! "

Duanmuyi was also taken aback for a moment.

She happened to have a problem with her cultivation, and someone sent this fruit. How could it be such a coincidence?

Could it be that kid Li Shuyu?
The sincerity of apprenticeship?
But how could he have such a precious spirit fruit?

"Master, please eat it!" Erhu said, "Once the Jingling Fruit is opened, the spiritual energy will easily leak into the air.

If you don't eat it, the effect will be gone. "

Duanmuyi picked it up, hesitated for a moment, another figure appeared in his heart.

Could it be from him?

She glanced at the Jingling Fruit, and finally swallowed it.

Jingling fruit entered the throat, and immediately turned into a stream of clear spring water, pouring into the limbs and bones.

The meridians enjoyed the nourishment of the juice, and they frantically absorbed the essence of the juice like a dead tree in spring, and her soul, at this moment, was also immersed in a icy spring.

All distracting thoughts are eliminated, leaving only the world and the earth in silence.

If it lasted three days, she sat at the table for three days and three nights, and Erhu stood guard at the door, stopping everyone who wanted to see her.

Three days later, Duanmuyi's body suddenly moved like an old monk's body.

A substantive spiritual power spewed out from her palm, and turned into three tiny vines on the palm, intertwined with each other. The original blue-silver spiritual power has turned into silver-red, which is completely stable in the golden core. Early symptoms.

In other words, the current Duanmuyi has completely absorbed the spiritual power previously obtained from Duanmusen.

What's more, her cultivation has a vague tendency to rise, and she has already stayed at the peak of the early Golden Core stage, and may break through to the middle stage of Golden Core at any time.

In just a few days, it is impossible for anyone to be able to advance by leaps and bounds like this.

It can only be said that the dual blood in Duanmuyi's body gave her a great talent for cultivation.

Erhu pushed the door open, and said with a grin: "Congratulations, master! Huh? Spiritual power has materialized... this..."

"Is this the materialization of spiritual power?" Duanmu Yi raised his eyebrows.

The so-called materialization of spiritual power, she had also heard from Di Kongxuan, is a phenomenon that usually occurs only after the practitioner's cultivation has reached the late stage of the Golden Core.

What is the attribute of the aura in the body, the spiritual power will transform into the representative species of that attribute.

For example, the aura of the fire attribute, after the spiritual power is materialized, becomes a cluster of flames; the aura of the wood attribute, after the spiritual power is materialized, it becomes a sapling or a grass.

As for her vines, it should be a mutated wood attribute.

She could sense that the blood power she was using now should be of the wood attribute, but it was mixed with all the mutated energy, which was this ray of silver.

Di Kongxuan couldn't tell what the silver power was, it could only be attributed to innate skills.

The original blue wood-attribute aura can only absorb the spiritual power of plants for its own use, but the mutated wood-attribute aura allows Duanmuyi to control and summon all spiritual objects and creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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