Chapter 1356

"Master, you probably haven't reached the late stage of Jindan, right?" Erhu was extremely puzzled.

Duanmu Yin hummed, and with a thought, he put away the vines in his palm: "In short, it won't be a bad thing, don't think about it.

How long have I been practicing? "

"Three days is not too long." Erhu said, "That Li Shuyu came to see you every day and brought a lot of delicious food."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Is it all in your stomach?"

Erhu giggled and said, "Master, you don't want to eat anyway, it's cheaper than Erhu."

"Is there any news from Heerchuan?" Duanmu asked.

Erhu shook his head: "He goes out every day and returns without success every day."

Duan Muyi nodded, originally wanted to ask Di Kongxuan, but then thought about it, thinking about him so much is simply self-torture, so he simply didn't ask.

Who knew that she didn't ask, but Erhu said by himself: "Master, don't you ask Di Kongxuan?"

"Ask him why?" Duanmuyi frowned.

Erhu blinked, looked at her cutely with big watery eyes, and said, "Master Di comes to watch over you every night.

Also, the Jingling fruit was given by him. "

Duanmu said calmly: "Well, I guessed it."

"Wow, master, you know you still eat, you must not give up, right?
Di Kongxuan was so good-looking, he was the most beautiful person Erhu had ever seen in his life. "When the ear fox talked about passion, two fox ears grew out, and they shook gurglingly.

Duanmuyi put a black line on his head and took him back to the spirit pet space.

"A lot of nonsense."

She went out the door, just in time to meet Li Shuyu walking in with a basket of pastries.

Seeing her, Li Shuyu exclaimed in surprise: "Master!"

Duanmuyi glanced at him coldly, causing him to choke on his words.

"Ahem, have you finished training?" Li Shuyu asked cautiously.

Duanmuyi glanced at the basket in his hand, and said: "Don't worry about it, I said I won't accept apprentices, so I won't regret it.

If you have time to spare, why not practice kung fu by yourself. "

Li Shuyu pouted, turned and left dejectedly.

Duanmuyi suddenly thought of something and called out to stop him.

With the idea of ​​trying, she asked: "You grew up in the Windy City, did you know that there was a streamside bone near the Windy City three years ago?"

Li Shuyu was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you looking for the bones by the stream?"

His first reaction was not to ask what the streamside bone was, so he knew about it.

Duanmuyi was overjoyed and nodded immediately: "Do you know where it is?"

"I saw someone take it out half a year ago..." Li Shuyu rolled his eyes and leaned forward, "I can tell you, you have to accept me as a disciple."

Duanmu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped back half a step, and said: "I won't accept disciples.

However, I can teach you a set of boxing techniques. "

Li Shuyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Well, you can't go back on your word."

Duanmu agrees.

"Half a year ago, probably around the winter solstice, I accompanied my mother to Nanshan Temple to offer incense. I saw someone set up a treasure appraisal meeting in a nearby plum garden. There were bones by the stream on it." Li Shuyu said, "Because the name is too Special, so I took a look and wrote it down...Hey, where are you going?"

Duanmuyi left a sentence: "Nanshan Temple."

"Just leave?" Li Shuyu shrugged, took out a piece of pastry from the basket, stuffed it into his mouth, and turned to leave.

However, a red shadow has already blocked in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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