Chapter 1357

Di Kongxuan leaned against the wall and asked, "What is she going to Nanshan Temple for?"

Facing him, Li Shuyu didn't dare to be presumptuous, so he repeated what he had just said.

After hearing this, Di Kongxuan didn't talk nonsense, turned around and disappeared in the same place, but also chased in the direction of Nanshan Temple.

Nanshan Temple is located on the Nanshan Mountain in the southern suburb of Fengcheng. The mountain is not too high, and there are many pilgrims. There are also cars on weekdays, which is very lively.

Duanmuyi climbed halfway up the mountain and wandered around Nanshan Temple, and encountered many spiritual creatures, but after some inquiries, none of the news was reliable.

She even suspected that Li Shuyu was lying to her.

Suddenly, a spiritual bamboo next to her sent a message to her: "Six months ago, someone held a treasure appraisal meeting here.

I also noticed something full of aura, but I don't know if it's the bone by the stream you're looking for. "

Duanmuyi immediately asked: "Then can you detect the direction of that aura now?"

Lingzhu felt it very hard for a moment, and replied helplessly: "It seems to be on the west side, but it's very vague."

On the west side of Nanshan, there is a large forest, which is endless.

A little further away, there are continuous mountains in the south.

Could it be that someone put Dong XZ in the deep mountains and old forests?

Duanmu thought about it, then turned around and got into the woods.

It is easy to get lost in the forest, but fortunately, she can communicate with the trees, flowers and plants in the forest and easily identify the direction.

Go west all the way until a manor appears in front of you.

There are more than a dozen carriages parked outside the manor, all of which are exquisite and compact models, exuding a faint aroma of rouge, and one can tell that they are used by women in the boudoir.

Duanmuyi looked up - Meiyuan.

Duanmuyi stood outside the plum garden and thought for a while, maybe the owner of the plum garden would know some clues.

So she walked into the plum garden, almost at the same moment, a strong fragrance came to her nostrils.

The aroma is unusual, plum is the most intense, but there are also some complex flavors mixed in.

Almost as soon as Duanmuyi smelled it, his eyes turned black, his skin began to prick like pain, and even his breathing became short of breath.

It's poison!

Duanmuyi supported the wall beside him, feeling vigilant.

A good plum garden has a poisonous barrier at the entrance. I'm afraid this is not a simple plum garden.

The toxins in the body circulated quickly, but fortunately, her cultivation base was considered profound, and the golden core in the dantian rotated, and the spiritual power flowed through the meridians, suppressing the toxins for the time being.

There was a faint voice coming from the front, Duanmuyi supported the wall and hid aside, saw a rockery not far away, and quickly got into it.

"Strange, the poison barrier has changed just now, someone must have broken in." A voice came.

"Maybe some flying bird collided with it." The other person waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go, don't be suspicious."

Duanmuyi heaved a sigh of relief, quickly sat down cross-legged, and began to expel the incense poison that had invaded his body.

Consciousness gradually sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and Duanmuyi's breathing became extremely slow and peaceful, almost merging with the surrounding plants.

But just when her consciousness turned into chaos, some clear pictures flashed in her mind.

The girl in the butterfly dress cuts flowers, walks through the sea of ​​flowers, reaches out her hand to brush the flowers beside her from time to time, and gets a ray of spiritual power of the same color and fragrance.

"This method of cultivation is similar to mine." Duanmu thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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