Chapter 1358

When the girl turned around, it was a completely unfamiliar face.

But the smile on his face warmed Duanmuyi's heart.

I just heard her shout: "Sister, come here, this side is full of spiritual energy."

Duanmuyi followed her gaze, but he didn't see who the sister she was calling was.

The screen flashed, and after a flash of white light, it was the girl again.

Changed into a brocade fur cotton robe, stood on the attic, looked at the starry sky in the cold night, and muttered to himself: "Big Bingcube, you must come back safely, if you come back before my birthday, I will marry you!" for you."

Duanmu sneered, what a big ice cube, this kind of nickname is really vulgar.

Also, girl, whether to marry or not, is your decision too hasty?

While she was complaining, the picture floated away again.

Immediately afterwards, came the piercing sound of fighting.

A flash of fire flashed into the eyeballs, and then a figure covered in fire flew into the attic.

After a while, the girl was hugged by the Pyroman and fell outside.

The girl was already dying, she stretched out her hand to caress the face of the burning man, and smiled weakly: "Today is my birthday, you are finally back."

Duanmu Yi slightly raised his eyebrows - so exciting?

Is it true that the birthday is the date of death?
The burning man didn't know what he said, but Duanmuyi couldn't hear it.

But she could see the smile on the girl's face getting stronger and stronger: "That's great, today, I'm your wife."

Well, this man seems to be quite responsible.

However, in Duanmuyi's view, this is really stupid.

Things that love and love really make people lose their minds.

The girl's finger rubbed against the burning man's lips, and said in a low voice: "Big Ice Cube, from now on, please smile more... I like to see you smile..."

Then, I saw her hand hang down.

The burning man turned around slowly, Duanmu wanted to see what he looked like, but the picture had already flashed by.

There was another chaotic color rolling in my mind, and it immediately returned to darkness.

She slowly opened her eyes, the aura circulated in her body, and the toxin was cleared.

I don't know who the girl in that picture is, why did it appear in my mind?
After much deliberation, Duanmu could only attribute this to the special reason of this plum garden.

Or, it has something to do with the incense poison.

Walking out of the rockery, Duanmu thought for a while, then walked deeper.

This plum garden was too mysterious, but it aroused her curiosity.

If it was said that the bone by the stream would appear here, she would not be surprised at all now.

In order to protect the bones by the stream, it is natural to have such a mysterious poison barrier.

After walking for a while, Duanmuyi realized that the manor was very big, and no one could be seen for such a long time.

Although she walked all the way to avoid the servants, it was really strange that there was no one there.

Following the guidance of the plants in the manor, she walked into a flower garden.

The flower garden stretches as far as the eye can see, with hundreds of flowers in full bloom, whether it is in season or not, they are all extremely bright.

Only then did Duanmuyi realize that this season is not the time for plum blossoms to bloom, but plum blossoms are the most blooming in the plum garden.

It really is weird everywhere.

After a while, Duanmuyi heard a human voice.

She turned around a flowered wall, and was surprised to find that the yard was full of jingling rings and singing of birds and swallows.

All the ladies from famous families in Fengcheng gathered here.

"Who are you?" A flying female voice came from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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