Chapter 1364


"You're fine."

Di Kongxuan: "...what?"

"You are the best." Duanmu said.

Di Kongxuan stopped in his tracks, and turned her face: "I just realized this today?"

Duanmuyi blinked and asked, "Is it too late?"

Di Kongxuan opened his hand and continued to walk forward: "It's not too late."

"If there is really someone better than you..." Duanmu said after a pause, "Then I'll pretend I didn't see it."

Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and lowered his eyes to look at the top of the head of the man in his arms, only to see his hair curled up during the battle just now.

He raised his hand to press it down, and said, "Is there anyone better than me? Then you are probably blind."

A stinky girl who doesn't know what is good or bad, he has never been so nice to a woman in more than 200 years, and she dared to show him ignorance before.

"It's fine if you're blind, then I only have your face in my memory." Duan Muyi said again, "Although it's a bit awkward to think about it, it's better than not being able to remember it."

Di Kongxuan was stunned for a moment, as if he heard the meaning behind her words.

She means, is he the only one in her memory?
Somehow, the deep string in Dikongxuan's heart was gently plucked.

Back at the Hou's Mansion, He Erchuan was waiting for her anxiously, but what he didn't expect was the picture of the two of them entering the door hand in hand.

There was a click——

He Erchuan seemed to hear the sound of his heart being smashed to pieces.

"Mrs. Peony!" He Erchuan rushed forward and pulled Duanmuyi behind him, "What's the matter with you?" Isn't your will too firm?It really is a woman!

Duanmuyi covered his chest with black lines and said: "Brother, can you let go first, I have to heal."

"Are you injured?" He Erchuan looked back at her.

Di Kongxuan came lightly and took Duanmuyi away from him, leaving only Duanmuyi's words: "Internal injury."

Immediately, the two entered and the door was closed.

He Erchuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that he was about to suffer internal injuries.

What's going on, didn't she still hate Di Kongxuan before?
Why did the two reconcile in the blink of an eye?

Duanmuyi's internal injuries were serious, thanks to the protection of the spiritual power given to her later by Di Kongxuan, her internal organs were not completely shattered.

However, this time the acupuncture treatment still took longer than usual.

"If you go on like this, Jiang Yi will not be able to save you." Di Kongxuan withdrew the needle and said calmly.

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows and smiled recklessly: "If I face Xin Xuerou, I will only shrink back. How about avenging my parents and younger brother in the future?"

"If you want to take revenge, you have to save your life." Di Kongxuan glanced at her, seeing that although she looked calm, she hurt Ben Yuan, so he could only say, "The spirit that I got from the roe beast cave earlier Give me all the medicine."

Duanmuyi took out the medicinal materials, watched him put them into his spirit ring, and asked in surprise, "You know how to refine medicine?"

"It's not so easy to refine medicine. Naturally, we need to find a special alchemist." Dikongxuan paused, and suddenly looked at Duanmuyi.

His eyes were full of probing, staring at Duanmuyi with horror.

"Look at me?" she asked.

Di Kongxuan flicked her on the forehead with his fingers: "I forgot, you have the power of two bloodlines, and such a strong soul power is a necessary condition for becoming a pharmacist."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment and understood what he meant.


"I remember that the conditions for becoming an alchemist are extremely strict. The attribute of spiritual energy alone requires fire attribute. But my spiritual energy is of wood attribute, so I don't meet the requirements."

(End of this chapter)

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