Chapter 1365

Di Kongxuan bent his lips and smiled: "If I say you can do it, you can do it."

His eyes are full of confidence, as if all the impossible things, he is sure to make them possible.

Duanmuyi pondered for a moment, and said, "Could it be that I can become a pharmacist just because I am a spiritual energy of the wood attribute, and wood produces fire?"

Di Kongxuan said: "This is one of them.

Second, your innate skills allow you to control all the spirits in the world for your own use, and the fire used by alchemists is the lowest level of fire.

The second is the sky fire, and the highest is the spiritual fire.

The spiritual fire that may be difficult for others to subdue, but for you, it has a three-point chance of winning. "

Duanmuyi was stunned: "Spiritual fire?"

"Spiritual fire is the most spiritual fire in the world, and there are ten kinds of it.

So far, the only person who has mastered the spiritual fire is a master of the Spirit Race who has been hidden for 300 years.

The rest of the people have already turned into gods and flew away. "Di Kongxuan said.

Everything he said was something that was not in Duanmuyi's memory, so it could be seen that the original owner of this body had never been exposed to this kind of information.

But Duanmuyi knew better, he couldn't be aimless, and what he said must be based on evidence.

Moreover, Di Kongxuan's age was at least two hundred years old.

It's normal for such an old monster to know things that others don't.

From his mouth, Duan Muyi knew that pharmacist is the most respected profession in the Cangyang Continent, because the conditions for its creation are harsh, and there is no one in ten thousand who can achieve it.

And there are only ten pharmacists with spiritual fire. Only when the current person with spiritual fire dies and the spiritual fire has no owner, can he be refined by the next one.

So far, the last three of the spirit fires are all controlled by several big families of the spirit clan.

Although there are no descendants who can refine it, it also makes the cultivation of the clan go further. The Duanmu family has even mastered the sixth-ranked Taotiehuo.

The fourth-ranked Sheng Lanhuo was sealed by the Jialan clan as the most important help for the successive patriarchs of the Jialan clan to enhance the power of space.

"I have traveled around the world for 200 years, and the spirits and the Jialan tribe have not found any traces of other spirit fires.

But I can detect that in the desert between the Fenglan Empire and the Yuandong Empire, there are powerful spiritual fires hidden, at least ranking among the top three. "Di Kongxuan said.

Duanmuyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Relying on the sixth-ranked Taotie Fire, the Duanmu family can become the most powerful family of the Spirit Race, surpassing the families with the other three spiritual fires.

And the Jialan clan, relying on Shenglanhuo, has mastered the supreme power of space for thousands of years, becoming a clan that no one dares to bully in the Three Realms.

Then how much power would the top three spiritual fires in Dikongxuan's mouth possess!

"Then shall we go find the spiritual fire now?" Duanmuyi asked immediately.

Although she hasn't found the bone by the stream yet, the temptation brought to her by the spirit fire has already surpassed the bone by the stream!
Di Kongxuan glanced at her, got up and said, "Based on the condition of your internal organs, if you encounter a spiritual fire, let alone refine it, just by getting close to it, it will probably be wiped out."

"Didn't you say that I have a three-point chance of winning than others?" Duanmu looked at him suspiciously.

Di Kongxuan looked back, bent his lips into a smile, and said magnificently: "Others have only one point to win, and you can't beat four points.

There is a four-point chance of winning, relying on your battered internal organs, it is not a dead end. "

Duanmu said: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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