Chapter 1366

Di Kongxuan said: "I will perform acupuncture for you today, and your internal organs need to be nourished for three days.

Set off in three days to fetch bones by the stream. "

"Okay." Duanmu rested his chin and looked out the window.

My heart is already longing for the spiritual fire.

Possessing spiritual fire and becoming a pharmacist may also be a great stepping stone for him to become a strong person.

Di Kongxuan's voice came faintly: "The road to cultivation is better step by step. Your talent is enough to disdain most of your peers, so you don't need to be too aggressive."

"I know." Duanmuyi lay down on his back and sighed softly.

It didn't take much time for her to transform from a waste with no spiritual roots to a strong person in the early stage of Jindan.

This level of cultivation speed, placed on others, can be called a monster.

It's just that she always feels too slow.

Bearing the blood feud of the original owner, the pursuit of the Duanmu family, and the so-called black alliance...

and many more!

Duanmuyi sat up suddenly and asked, "By the way, what kind of organization is the Black League?"

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly: "How do you know about the Black League?"

"That's when you became Dabai..." Duanmu commented on his displeasure, and changed the subject, "The Black League suddenly appeared..." She briefly described the situation at that time.

Di Kongxuan said: "I think it's because I used my original spiritual power in the outskirts of the Hull Empire, which attracted the Black Alliance to come."

"Is the original spiritual power your purple spiritual power?" Duanmuyi asked, "Yes, I remember the first time I saw you in Danhe, you used purple spiritual power.

Why did your spiritual power turn red when you came to the human world? "

Di Kongxuan said: "The Jialan tribe has a space barrier, and the Black League people can't detect it, so they can naturally use the original spiritual power.

And the enchantment in the human world is weak, if I wantonly use the original spiritual power, the entire human world will not be able to withstand my power.

The Black League has been looking for me for so many years, trying to kill me.

Oh, but they are all ants. "

"Then your red spiritual power is—"

Dikongxuan rubbed his fingers together, and the red spiritual energy jumped mischievously at his fingertips.

Through the red spiritual power, Duanmuyi captured the loneliness that flashed across his face, like the silent blue sky seen from the top of a snow peak.

He said slowly: "It's just some power drawn from the original spiritual power."

Duanmuyi was speechless.

Just a little bit of power extracted can already surpass many people, so how strong is his real strength?
"Hey, Emperor Da...Uncle, let me reveal a little bit, what is your cultivation level, old man?"

Di Kongxuan chuckled, approached her, stretched out his hand and lifted her chin: "It's enough to cover you."

Duanmuyi stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and smiled coquettishly: "I'll tell you something."


"My thoughts towards you are no longer pure." Duan Muyi leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes, let go of her, and regained his calm tone: "You should rest first, and dare to sneak out next time, but no one will come to rescue you."

Duanmuyi looked at his leaving back, squinted and smiled.

There is still someone in Di Kongxuan's heart, but it doesn't matter, she has plenty of ways to flirt.

The next day, Duanmuyi cooks in person, ready to make some dishes for Di Kongxuan, first try to grab the man's stomach.

However, she considered that she ate more casually in her previous life and was proficient in all eighteen martial arts except cooking, so she chose the simplest tomato scrambled eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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