Chapter 1368

Di Kongxuan bent his lips and revealed a meaningful smile: "I appreciate your kindness."

Duanmu Yixi said: "I'll make you another one later!"

Di Kongxuan squinted at those miserable scenes, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he shook his sleeves and waved his hands, "No need."

Duanmuyi sighed: "It seems really unpalatable, but...fortunately, it's not a waste."

She turned her head and looked at the five women. At this moment, they all looked embarrassed, and they all wiped their faces with handkerchiefs, and the maids handed them tea to rinse their mouths.

"Aren't you leaving?" She tutted, "Should I say you are stupid, or should you say you are staying?

The soft girl you are talking about must have slandered me in front of you, right?

You all have a chance to say whether I am worthy of the son of God, right? "

The five looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Duanmuyi turned around and took Dikongxuan's arm: "Hey, imitate a woodpecker."

"Huh?" Di Kongxuan looked at her.

Duanmu pointed to his face: "Take my face as a tree."

The five women were all dumbfounded.

Immediately, everyone saw Di Kongxuan bent down and lightly pecked Duanmuyi's side face.

Bang—the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from the side.

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, and saw Li Shuyu falling from the wall.

He stood up and clapped his hands: "It's wonderful, it's very wonderful."

Duanmuyi pulled Dikongxuan and turned his head to go back.

However, those five people never gave up, and came forward one by one to stop them.

One person said: "You are really like Miss Rou said, you have no restraint that a woman should have, and you are unrestrained!"

"Why, in a Fenglan Empire where women are respected, you actually told me to be reserved?
When you were picky about men, when you were drooling over Di Kongxuan, why didn't you think of the word reserved? " Duanmu said sarcastically.

Li Shuyu leaned forward and said with a smile: "Aren't these the five famous ladies in Fengcheng?

On weekdays, they disdain our Zhennan Hou Mansion, but they lined up to come to our door today, maybe they just want to beg my master to scold them? "

"Master?" The other person sneered, "One is a shameless wild woman, and the other is a worthless stinking man. People are really divided into groups."

Duanmuyi didn't have the patience to chat with them, turned around and said: "Well said, Li Shuyu, today you teach these five pheasants who are divided into groups, and I will..."

"Accept me as an apprentice?!" Li Shuyu said in surprise.

Duanmu Yi changed his mouth and said: "I recognize you as my brother-in-law."

Li Shuyu thought for a while, and immediately responded: "The righteous brother is the righteous brother!"

Although he is one year older than Duanmuyi, but he wants Duanmuyi to teach him kung fu wholeheartedly, and of course he doesn't mind if it's his master or sister.

Duanmuyi dragged Dikongxuan into the door, and the five of them stepped forward one after another, seeing Li Shuyu rubbing his hands and laughing loudly: "Normally you don't get to flirt with sisters, but seeing you today, it's really a fresh flower sent to your door!
Come on, give me a good hello! "

After returning to the courtyard, Duanmuyi let go of Di Kongxuan's hand, leaned against the door, and said coolly: "Master Di is indeed a butterfly, he can attract a lot of romantic debts wherever he goes."

He just showed up yesterday, but he has already attracted five women.

Duanmuyi had to admit that although those five people were all cannon fodder, she was still very upset.

It doesn't matter if there is someone in Dikongxuan's heart, they are all dead, she has her own way to deal with it slowly;

That Xin Xuerou is not a good stubble, she even made trouble for her again and again, she almost treated her like a sick cat.

(End of this chapter)

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