Chapter 1369

Di Kongxuan smiled: "What, jealous?"

"So what if I'm jealous, I'm so jealous." Duanmuyi snorted.

"It's just some stupid women. If you don't do anything, someone will deal with them." Di Kong Xuan said calmly.

Duanmuyi glanced at him: "Could it be your secret guard, Comrade Xunyi?"

She immediately remembered that it was Dikongxuan who said "seeking meaning" when she was in the Jialan tribe.

Then Comrade Xunyi carried the noisy Duanmu Xiaoxiao out.

Dikong Xuan bent his lips and smiled, but didn't say anything.

Comrade Xunyi on the roof looked at the sky and shed tears. The master is too powerful, and he has no room for himself. It is also a very fucking thing...

The purpose of the existence of these hidden guards is to drive away some flowers and plants for the master.

While the two were talking, Li Shuyu broke in.

He ran in front of Duanmuyi, as if he was afraid that she would repent, and called out: "Sister Yi!"

Since Duanmuyi agreed to him, he naturally would not regret it, and said immediately, "Come over this afternoon, and I will teach you a set of boxing techniques."

"Okay!" Li Shuyu said happily, "I want Dad to hold a banquet. Since you are my righteous sister, you are the righteous daughter of the Hou Mansion. This is great, we also have a eldest daughter in the Hou Mansion!"

"No need—" Duanmuyi hadn't finished speaking, Li Shuyu had already walked away, as if he couldn't refuse.

She frowned slightly. Although she didn't like others making decisions for her without authorization, she thought about it again.

If there is a righteous daughter of the Marquis Mansion, then maybe it will be easier to do things in this Fenglan Empire?
Di Kongxuan said: "Don't look at the high status of women in the Fenglan Empire, but in fact, apart from Her Majesty the Queen, the real powers are also some men.

Although the Marquis of Zhennan has ignored the affairs of the court for many years, if he accepts a foster daughter, Her Majesty the Queen will send congratulations.

In this way, your identity will be further protected. Even if someone from the Duanmu family wants to touch you, they have to weigh it. "

Duanmuyi didn't consider this point, but after listening to him, he understood the general idea.

But she was not so optimistic: "Even if the Queen sent someone to congratulate her in name, even if the Hou Mansion accepted me as a righteous daughter, would they stand up and block me when the Duanmu family wanted to kill me?"

Di Kongxuan smiled, his eyes were cold.

I only heard him say: "When they find out that you are a pharmacist, they will desperately protect you."

Duanmuyi clenched his fists hard: "I must get the spiritual fire."

Soon Li Shuyu sent someone to spread the word that Lord Li Hou agreed to hold a banquet.

But Duanmuyi knew in his heart that the reason why Lord Li could agree was mostly because he wanted to win over Dikongxuan.

If Di Kongxuan wasn't behind her, Marquis Li wouldn't even look straight at her.

Fortunately, the banquet has been decided, and it will be postponed for three days, so Duanmuyi's departure time has also been postponed by one day.

Di Kongxuan expressed the two trade-offs, and it would be worthwhile to delay for an extra day, so he naturally stayed in peace.

In the remaining three days, Duanmuyi handed over to Li Shuyu some of the fighting and boxing techniques he had learned in his previous life.

Li Shuyu was also considered talented in this area, and was born with supernatural power. With his strength, he was able to even draw with Duanmuyi in the duel.

However, this is also the result of Duanmuyi not making the ultimate move, and probably letting him go.

On the night of the banquet, the rich and powerful gathered in Fengcheng.

He Erchuan sat on a seat in the corner, grabbed a chicken leg and gnawed a couple of mouthfuls, and said, "Isn't it better to be the adopted daughter of the Marquis, or the concubine of this king?"

(End of this chapter)

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