Chapter 1370

Duanmuyi offered him a glass of wine: "Being someone's daughter is a blessing, but being your princess is a sin."

"Nonsense!" He Erchuan snorted and clinked glasses with her, "With this king protecting you, who would dare to let you suffer?"

Duanmu said coolly: "Your Mrs. Bafang."

He Erchuan was choked by the chicken leg, and it took him a long time to go down. When he looked up, Duanmuyi had already been called to meet someone.

He wiped his mouth and said in a low voice: "Where did Madam Bafang come from? This king has dismissed them long ago."

Surrounded by Lord Li and Li Shuyu affectionately, Duanmuyi walked to the table.

She raised her eyes and raised her eyebrows. It's really a narrow road to enemies.

Xin Xuerou stood up, raised her glass generously and said, "Congratulations to Lord Hou for his adoptive daughter. In the future, the sons and daughters will be in pairs, and it will be called consummation."

Lord Li laughed: "The Lord of the Pavilion is willing to show his face to come to our Hou Mansion, that is also a blessing for the Hou Mansion, for my little girl."

"Really?" Xin Xuerou rolled her eyes and looked at Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi smirked and said perfunctorily, "It's very fortunate."

"Since Miss Mu also thinks this is a blessing, why not toast you?" Xin Xuerou raised her glass again.

Duanmu naturally accompanied her, poured a glass of wine, and touched her.

Just as she was about to drink, who knew that a person bumped into her from behind, she flicked her wrist, and all the wine spilled on her collar.

Summer clothes are already thin, so sprinkling them like this is really inappropriate.

Xin Xuerou looked at Duanmuyi with a smile, but regretfully said: "This dress should be ice silk satin, right?

It's a pity to be so careless. "

It was Zhao Bijin who bumped into Duanmuyi, who apologized repeatedly at this time.

"It's just a piece of clothing. It's a pity to throw it away when it gets dirty." Duanmuyi lowered his eyes, "I'm going to change." After saying that, he walked towards the backyard.

Li Shuyu followed, and hurriedly said: "Sister Yi, don't be angry, that woman has no eyes, I will teach her a lesson after a while!"

"No need, she and Xin Xuerou are just like birds of a feather. Without her, there will naturally be others." Duanmu realized that Zhao Bijin and Xin Xuerou were in the same nest in the plum garden that day, and he lost interest even more. .

Duanmuyi entered his room alone, and took out a set of clothes from the spirit ring.

Just as she was taking off her coat, she suddenly moved her ears, and heard the weeds in the yard transmit a voice to herself: "Be careful, the third son is coming!"

Duanmuyi was startled, and immediately covered his collar. The next second, he heard the door being knocked open, and Li Shuyu fell to the ground with a blushing face.

"Sister Yi, save me..." Li Shuyu said with a trembling voice, his body twisted into a ball on the ground.

Duanmu stepped forward and helped him up: "Are you alright?"

"I'm so uncomfortable!" Li Shuyu grabbed her with both hands and feet, and kept rubbing his hot cheeks against her neck.

How could Duanmuyi not realize what happened at this moment, at the same time, her body also started to feel hot!
There is a problem with wine!

Duanmu gritted her teeth, she must have done something when she clinked glasses with her, a chill appeared in her eyes.

"Someone, a lot of people are here!" Weeds sound transmission came again.

Duanmuyi immediately realized that if he was found in the room with Li Shuyu in disheveled clothes just after he was adopted as a foster daughter, it would be impossible to explain with ten mouths!

This is a banquet that Her Majesty the Queen has sent people to congratulate. If such ugly words are spread, all plans will be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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