Chapter 1371

"Li Shuyu, wake up!" Duanmuyi patted his face, and said in a cold voice, "If this continues, you and I will never get better!"

Li Shuyu barely rolled over from her, gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up!"

"This is my room. If I leave, you won't be able to tell if you appear here." With a thought in his mind, Duanmu immediately summoned Erhu from the spirit pet space.

In the distance, the voices of people are approaching.

Xin Xuerou's soft and gentle voice came over: "Sister Bijin, are you sure you saw the third young master coming this way?"

Zhao Bijin hurriedly said: "That's natural. The third son said that I offended his righteous sister and wanted to settle accounts with me.

In the end, before I said anything, he suddenly turned around and ran this way. "

"Could it be that Miss Mu wants to change clothes, so come over and help?" Another woman laughed softly.

With a gloomy expression, Lord Li took a step forward and pushed open the courtyard door.

As soon as the courtyard door opened, a man's low voice came from inside.

Everyone looked up with anticipation or sarcasm.

In the next second, they were all stunned.

All the terrible things they imagined in their minds did not happen. Li Shuyu was practicing boxing under the tree in the courtyard, and every move was extremely standard.

He was sweating profusely, and he looked as if he had been practicing for a long time, and his face was flushed.

And on the big tree in front of him, a branch branched out, and on it sat a girl in plain clothes and white clothes, with her legs hanging down, holding a sleeping white-haired fox in her arms, lazily lifting her arms. Lift your eyelids and look at everyone.

At this time, the moonlight was pouring down, and the silver-white light covered the entire courtyard, but the girl's expression was indifferent, her eyes were like glass, and she was radiant.

Her face has already bloomed, which can be called a shy flower in a closed moon, and the movement of her eyes makes her more delicate and gentle.

When the women saw her, they couldn't help being puzzled and jealous—she was clearly drugged, so why did it seem like nothing happened?

When the men saw her, their eyes became even more staring—why didn't they find out that the Hou Mansion raised such a delicate little lady before?
Lord Li coughed lightly, and called, "Yu'er."

Li Shuyu retreated, wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned around and saw so many people, he was startled: "Father, why are you all here?"

"What's more, tonight was a banquet for Liu'er, why did you two sneak out?" Li Hou asked with a sullen face.

Li Shuyu scratched his head and said, "I suddenly realized that there were still some things I didn't understand about Bairi's boxing technique, so I came here to ask Yijie for advice.

I thought I would go out in a while, why are you all here? "

Zhao Bijin walked out slowly, and said with a smile: "So that's the case, it seems that I misunderstood the third son.

But in the middle of the night, although the third son and Miss Mu are brothers and sisters, but they are alone in the same room, it would not be very pleasant to spread the news. "

Duanmuyi on the branch interrupted her: "Where are the lonely men and widows? Did you forget about it?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, and the ear fox fell down, screamed in mid-air, and threw herself into Zhao Bijin's arms.

Zhao Bijin let out a short exclamation, and was thrown to the ground by Erhu, and yelled indistinctly: "Take it away quickly! Help!"

Duanmuyi jumped down and said with a smile: "It's just a little fox, Miss Zhao is so afraid?"

She snapped her fingers, and the ear fox jumped onto her shoulders, licking its paws and chirping twice.

(End of this chapter)

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