Chapter 1373

The ear fox turned into a child, and hurried around her: "Master, what should the master do?
The blood of the ear fox, the blood of the ear fox can save you! "

"This is the enchanting poison, which is different from ordinary poison..." Duan Muyi clenched his fists and said, "Go call Di Kongxuan..."

The ear fox jumped out in a flash.

Xin Xuerou pestered Di Kongxuan to talk about things in the side courtyard. When Zhao Bijin made a fuss earlier, she knew what was going on, and she calculated that there should be a result in time, but she only heard the sound of the guests returning.

Di Kongxuan was impatient for a long time, Duanmuyi was not in his line of sight, he always felt that something was missing, and at this moment he directly interrupted Xin Xuerou: "I'm not interested in knowing these things, you don't need to say Listen to me."

"But Qingqing..." Xin Xuerou subconsciously said.

"Don't mention Qingqing to me again! You are not worthy!" Di Kongxuan grabbed her throat with one hand, "It's not your turn to tell me what I want to do.

Xin Xuerou, I think you are her eldest sister, I tolerate you again and again, but don't think that I really have nothing to do with you. "

Xin Xuerou chuckled and said softly, "I'm not worthy, so are you worthy?

Do you think you have waited for her in the world for 200 years?
Look now, it's not empathy anymore!I think you fell in love with that wooden willow, right? "

Dikong's Xuanmeifeng twisted, his body full of murderous intent.

Just at this time, Erhu's voice sounded behind him: "Young Master, hurry up and save the master!"

Di Kongxuan held his breath, turned around suddenly, and said, "If something happens to her, I want you and the entire Sihua Pavilion to be buried for her."

Xin Xuerou watched him leave, and slowly clenched her fists.

She is unwilling, let alone believe it.

As long as Di Kongxuan guarded Xin Ruqing, she waited for him.

After waiting for more than 500 years, why can't it be worth a wild girl!

Di Kongxuan, the more you pity her, love her and pet her, the more I will destroy her!
Duanmuyi's consciousness was already in a state of ups and downs, and for a while, he recalled the days of his previous life in the modern era, a gun of a polar silver fox, Xiaoyi's reputation made the entire killer world terrified;

After a while, it will be the day when she is constantly improving her abilities. The people she sees are getting better and better, and she still needs to be on guard everywhere and always be vigilant.

Suddenly, a wave of warm spiritual power was introduced into her body, traveling through all the limbs and bones, the pain of being poisoned into the bone marrow but about to be pulled out made all the meridians in her body tremble.

The mysterious girl began to appear in her mind again, at the entrance of the plum garden, the image of the girl appeared in her mind because of the poison of miasma.

Her mind was full of her last sentence, "Big ice cube, let's smile more in the future."

However, the spiritual power still roasted the bones in her body tepidly, and traces of black air visible to the naked eye evaporated from the bones.

And the Snake Elephant Bone that had been consumed in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm before also began to emit a lustrous white light.

The pain gradually subsided, Duanmuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly opened his eyes.

There was a vast white mist in front of him, through the mist, he could still see a honey-colored body, with his upper body naked, sitting cross-legged in front of him.

She was at a loss for a moment, and suddenly felt chilly all over her body. When she looked down, she saw that only a thin tube top was left on her body!

And Di Kongxuan's hand pressed the general on her chest.

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth, without saying a word, stretched out his hand, squeezed and twisted, and directly pressed Dikongxuan under his body.

(End of this chapter)

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