Chapter 1374

"Are you fucking taking advantage of others?"

When Di Kongxuan was about to withdraw his move, he was caught off guard, and was pressed face down on the bed by her involuntarily, and his face immediately turned cold.

After three seconds of silence, he stood up and pushed Duanmuyi to the corner of the bed with his hands.

"A man's love for a concubine, a man's love for a woman, how can you take advantage of others' danger?" He grabbed the back of her neck, pressed her to him, and said a word through his teeth.

Duanmu thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

However, although she also wanted to give Di Kongxuan up, she still wouldn't be so reckless before she had occupied Dikongxuan's full attention.

So, she pushed him and said with a smile: "It's true that a man's love for a concubine is true, and it's normal for a man to have sex with a woman, but we still have to pick a sunny one...

In the evening, have a drink or two, use the wine to cheer up, and talk to each other from the bottom of your heart. "

"Why is it so troublesome?" Di Kong Xuan said calmly, "I think today is a good day.

The moonlight is good, and you have drunk the wine, so you don't have to complain to your heart, now that the arrow is on the string, I have to say it. "

She is happy that her charm has not been reduced by half after she ascended the throne, but she is also worried about how to solve this situation.

After all, at this moment, her cultivation base is low, and she can't beat this man.

"Uh, calm down." Duanmu Yi paused, and said, "Think about Xin Ruqing, don't you still want to find her, don't break your virginity."

Conscience, it's not that she wants to mention Xin Ruqing, but this is the only way to calm him down right now?

Unexpectedly, Dikongxuan's slender fingers slid across Duanmuyi's bright red cheeks, and there was a trace of complicated emotions in his dark eyes, and his intentions were unclear.

"Don't worry, maybe I'll find it soon."

Duanmuyi blinked, and in the next second, he saw his enlarged face.

Alas, I was kissed again.

This time he kissed more seriously and gently than before, and Duanmuyi's originally stiff body began to soften slowly.

She was immersed in his kiss, and even thought for a moment, go to his grandma's Xin Ruqing, it's the right way to take him as her own right now.

But in the end, reason won over desire.

She can accept that the man she likes has a white moonlight in his heart, but that is only before going to bed.

After all, to some extent, Duanmuyi can be called a relatively conservative person.

She pinched Di Kongxuan's shoulder, and said slowly: "Then let's talk about it after you find Xin Ruqing."

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, as if he was very displeased with her interrupting him, but the next moment, Ye Xiao's cry suddenly came from outside the window.

He got up, straightened his clothes, and said, "You have a good rest."

After walking out the door, when the night wind blew, Di Kongxuan calmed down a lot. As soon as he stretched out his figure, he fell into his yard.

Xun Yi appeared from the shadows and handed over a letter: "Patriarch Jiang sent someone thousands of miles away to expedite it."

Di Kongxuan took it and opened it, read it once, and went back to read it a second time. Finally, he put the letter away and walked back to the room without saying a word.

Xun Yi followed him in suspiciously: "Master, what did you say above, do you want to reply?"

"Hahaha!" Di Kongxuan let out a rare indulgence of his emotions, and suddenly burst out laughing.

The flickering candles in the room reflect his face, which is half demon-like and half fairy-like, and there is a charm of both good and evil in his smile, which makes Xun Yi dare not look more.

(End of this chapter)

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