Chapter 1377

"Okay... oh wait, I'll go and talk to Di Kongxuan."

Duanmu realized that the last time he went looking for the bones by the stream, strayed into Shen Xuerou's plum garden and almost died, so he was scolded by Dikong Xuanchou, this time he didn't dare to run around.

Li Shuyu said: "Don't delay, I heard that today the abbot held a treasure appraisal meeting, maybe someone will attack the bones by the stream?
I just passed by En Gong's yard, and he was still asleep. "

Duanmu didn't doubt that he was there, mainly because he had no defense against this righteous brother, so he followed him out.

Sure enough, the carriage was ready, and there was a stack of shortbread and a pot of tea in the carriage, after getting on the carriage, Li Shuyu poured her a cup of tea and said, "Sister Yi hasn't had breakfast yet, has she?

After drinking so much wine last night, let's drink some weak tea in the morning. "

Duanmuyi took it, took a sip, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to have such a careful side, I thought you were a little bully back then."

"I was confused at the beginning. When I saw the spirit ring, I couldn't walk. Don't mention it, sister Yi." Li Shuyu looked embarrassed, scratched his head, and pushed the plate of shortbread forward, "Sister Yi, hurry up!" Let's eat."

After eating two pieces of shortbread and drinking a cup of tea, Duanmuyi was full.

The carriage slowly left the city, drove up Nanshan Mountain, and stopped outside Nanshan Temple.

At the same time, in the Hou Mansion, Di Kongxuan walked into Duanmuyi's courtyard refreshed, and bumped into He Erchuan who came out of it.

He Erchuan scratched his scalp, frowned and said, "Where did this king's wife go?"

Di Kongxuan glanced at him, and said slowly: "Prince Sichuan condescends, and went to other countries to chase after women. The news was sent back to the Hull Empire. I don't know what your Majesty will think?"

"I don't care what he thinks, he is my brother, not my father." He Erchuan waved his hand and asked, "Where is she?"

"Aren't you here?" Di Kongxuan walked into the courtyard to see that he was not there, but his clothes were still there, "Maybe he went to bid farewell to Master Hou." After he finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the front hall.

Hou Ye finished his breakfast and was drinking tea in the front hall, but there was still no sign of Duan Muyi.

Di Kongxuan turned and went out, cursing secretly in his heart.

This girl is really lawless, and she doesn't tell herself where she goes.

He made a gesture, and Xunyi immediately led the people to scatter to look for them.

He Erchuan had already pulled a servant over and asked, "Have you seen your eldest lady?"

The servant was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there was indeed an extra young lady in the Hou's residence, so he said, "I saw you just now, so I left with the third young master."

"The two of them?" He Erchuan frowned, and suddenly jumped up, "Ge Laozi, it's fine to have Di Kongxuan come and grab a woman from this king, but is it that he, Li Shuyu, is also going to grab a woman from this king?"

Di Kongxuan glanced at him lightly, turned his head and walked away.

He acted like he didn't want to talk to him.

In Nanshan Temple, there were many pilgrims at this time, and the carriage bypassed the outer hall and stopped directly outside the back mountain wing.

Duanmuyi jumped off the carriage and was stunned for a moment: "Why did you come to the backyard?

Isn't the Treasure Appraisal Conference in the front hall? "

Li Shuyu was worried why the medicine didn't work, so he said: "There are too many pilgrims in the front hall, so it is set up by the lake at the back, and all the people who come here are elegant guests."

"No, you lied to me!" Duanmuyi had already received a message from the grass and trees in the mountain, and there was no treasure appraising meeting in Nanshan Temple.

She took two steps back and looked at Li Shuyu.

(End of this chapter)

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