Chapter 1378

Li Shuyu's plot was exposed, and he was annoyed, but he had no choice but to act.

He simply broke the jar, spread it out and said, "Sister Yi, actually, it's out of my own selfishness to invite you here today."

Duanmuyi looked at him vigilantly and asked, "What do you mean?"

"In getting along with each other these days, Yijie already has a different status in my heart." Li Shuyu said, "I want to stay with Yijie for a long time, and I don't want you to leave me."

Duanmuyi felt dazed as if struck by lightning: "You are crazy!"

Li Shuyu stepped forward and grabbed her arm: "I'm not crazy, Sister Yi, no, Liu'er, everything I said is true, and my heart for you is beyond words.

You see, since we are here today, why don't we..."

"Get lost!" Duanmu raised his foot and kicked him directly on the thigh.

The way she looked at him became colder inch by inch, as if she was looking at an extremely disgusting enemy.

Li Shuyu fell to the ground in pain, but he quickly got up again, stepped forward, and directly hugged Duanmuyi in his arms.

"Sister Yi, listen to me, I really like you, I really want to be with you, don't reject me, don't..." He forcefully pushed Duanmuyi into the room as he spoke.

Duanmuyi struggled, but Li Shuyu was born with supernatural power, so he couldn't break free for a while.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she wanted to use her spiritual power without hesitation, but the next second she found a sharp pain in her dantian, and her spiritual power returned instantly, forcing her to vomit a mouthful of blood.

She frowned in pain, and said coldly, "You poison me!"

"I have no other choice, Sister Yi, just follow me!" Li Shuyu pushed her onto the bed in the meditation room, and couldn't wait to tear off his clothes.

Outside the door, a group of people were lurking, and someone asked in a low voice, "Miss, do you want to do it?"

"Not in a hurry." Duanmu Xiaoxiao squinted her eyes and sneered, "If that idiot Li Shuyu really tarnished her innocence, that would be a surprise.

Anyway, she took my family's Hualing powder, and she was the fish on the chopping board in a short time. "

"We can't let her escape this time." The Great Elder snorted coldly.

As the great elder of the Duanmu family, with a half-step Nascent Soul stage cultivation base, it is really embarrassing to miss a woman in the Golden Core Stage.

While talking, suddenly there was a loud bang on the door.

Li Shuyu was kicked out unexpectedly. In the dust all over the ground, he fell to the ground and coughed, he couldn't believe it.

From within the dust, a small figure came out, hugged his chest in an old-fashioned way and said, "Hmph, you ignorant guy, how dare you touch my master!"

As soon as Erhu's words fell, there was a burst of wind in the smoke and dust, and a powerful spiritual force smashed down.

Erhu turned sideways to avoid it, and immediately disappeared in a flash of light, returning to the spirit pet space.

Duanmuyi has already turned out of the back window and is running along the path behind the mountain.

Her spiritual power could no longer be used, so she could only run away.

"Master, he's from the Duanmu family." Erhu's voice came into her mind.

Duanmuyi sneered: "I guessed that this method would be used. Li Shuyu doesn't have such a brain. It's either Xin Xuerou or Duanmu Xiaoxiao."

"These two women are really annoying." Erhu muttered dissatisfied.

Duanmuyi's eyes were cold, and he said coldly: "Yes, it's too annoying."

While speaking, a group of guards from the Duanmu family had appeared on the tree in front, and the Great Elder and Duanmu Xiaoxiao also chased after them.

(End of this chapter)

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