Chapter 1380

Duanmuyi held Duanmu Xiaoxiao out for a while, and all the members of the Duanmu family followed behind. Once she relaxed, she would launch a fierce offensive.

I don't know how long I walked, but suddenly there was a turn in front of me, and it turned out to be a cliff facing Yuanyuan, and not far below was the surging river.

"You have no way out." The Great Elder said, "Don't let him go!"

"The Great Elder reminded me. It's a pity that there is no way out." Duanmu Yi chuckled, turned around suddenly, raised his knee and kicked Duanmu Xiaoxiao down.

And she herself, following closely behind, also jumped down.

"Ah!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao exclaimed in surprise, finally got up his spiritual power, barely stopped his figure.

The Great Elder rushed forward, jumped in the air, and rescued Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

At the same time, several spiritual forces followed closely, but were avoided by Duanmuyi.

The Great Elder snorted coldly, flipped his palms, and a majestic spiritual force smashed down.

Duanmuyi in mid-air spat out a mouthful of blood, and was thrown into the river.

When Duanmuyi fell into the water, his back seemed to be smashed on a stone slab, and his internal organs were about to be displaced.In the next second, her eyes went dark and she fell into a coma.

What awakened Duanmuyi was the strong medicinal fragrance.

When she opened her eyes, her first reaction was that all the bones in her body were in severe pain, as if they had been smashed.

However, even Danhe could bear the pain back then, but now she just frowned, exhaled slowly, and gritted her teeth to hold back the pain.

"Girl, you're awake." A man's gentle voice came from beside him.

Duanmuyi blinked, feeling that the voice sounded familiar, turned his head to look, and saw a rather familiar face.

The man was sitting sideways to her, his profile was already elegant and unparalleled.

With a full forehead, a handsome nose, a white dress, and a long sword hanging from his waist, the whole person looks like a picture scroll of "a son is like jade".

This person, she has too many pictures about him in her mind.

When he was in the Duanmu family, besides his father, mother and younger brother, he was the one who had the most people.

The eldest son of the Duanmu family - Duanmu Shenzhou!
Duanmuyi's heart tightened. Could it be that she has been caught by Duanmu's family?
She was lucky at that time, the water in the big river was fast-moving, if she fell into the river, she would be washed away soon, even if the Duanmu family members wanted to find her, they would have to spend a lot of effort.

What's more, she kicked Duanmu Xiaoxiao down at the same time, the first reaction of the Duanmu family must be to save Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and she bought some time.

In this way, he was still caught?
Just when her thoughts were changing, Duanmu Shenzhou said: "Miss, don't worry, the person who is looking for you has not come."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then asked vigilantly: "What about you?"

"Me?" Duanmu Shenzhou finally turned his head, revealing a fair face with gentle eyes, "Girl, do you know me?"

Duanmuyi suddenly realized that her appearance was very different from before, Duanmu Shenzhou would definitely not recognize her, and she didn't need to ask for trouble.

He said, "I thought you were with them."

Duanmu Shenzhou smiled: "Yesterday when I was boating on the river, I found a girl.

The girl is seriously injured, please be patient for two more days, I will take the girl to the city to seek medical treatment. "

Duanmu didn't want to talk to him too much, but the image of the two of them getting along flashed in his mind.

Xin Dao could it be that the original owner of the body would be so determined to Duanmu Shenzhou, Duanmu Shenzhou seems to be a gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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