Chapter 1381

Duanmu's house was full of bad bamboos, but I didn't expect this good bamboo shoot to come out.

How could Duanmuyi be able to resist such a young master?
However, Duanmuyi's heart is even clearer, the more honest and gentleman he is, the easier it is to offend others.

In comparison, her Di Kongxuan looked more reliable. Although she was usually broken, she always felt reliable when things came to an end.

Thinking of this, Duanmuyi complained again in his heart.

"Hey, you can rely on a ghost, I haven't come here now."

The person she complained about came out of an inn.

Behind him, ten Duanmu family guards fell in a pool of blood.

He sneezed suddenly, then rubbed his nose, looked at the sky, there was a faint gloomy look between his brows.

What a stupid woman, how many times have I said, don't go out alone, and refuse to obey every time.

Youyuan's voice sounded in his mind, indicating that he still hadn't contacted Erhu.

The two spiritual pets have always had a good understanding, and the only reason why they couldn't get in touch with Erhu was that Erhu was also injured.

The only news I got was that Duanmuyi had fallen into the river. Later, Duanmu's family also sent people to look for him, but they couldn't find it, so they gave up.

As Di Kongxuan walked slowly, the cold air gradually permeated his whole body, and pedestrians within three feet around him couldn't avoid it.

Compared to Di Kongxuan who was looking for someone, Duanmuyi lived comfortably these two days.

Duanmu Shenzhou was considerate and thoughtful, whether it was looking for a medical clinic or looking for food, he followed Duanmu's ideas.

If it weren't for the fact that the two sides were already in hostile camps, Duanmu Yi would really think that Duanmu Shenzhou was someone worth entrusting.

"Miss Liu'er, there is a medical center here." Duanmu Shenzhou said, "To be honest, I have some important matters to attend to, so I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you."

Duanmu said indifferently: "It's okay, thank you for these two days, young master."

Duanmu Shenzhou sent her to the hospital, told the doctor a few words, then looked at Duanmuyi, after a moment of silence, he said: "I will arrange some people to protect you, you should not go out these few days, stay at ease. The hospital recuperates the wounded."

Duanmu thought to himself, I am afraid that no one will look down on my injury except Jiang Xin and Di Kongxuan.

Still smiling, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Duanmu Shenzhou left a large sum of money and finally left.

Watching his leaving back, Duanmuyi fell into deep thought.

He left in such a hurry, it seemed that the Duanmu family was recruiting people.

But she is here now, what is the Duanmu family gathering people for?
Could it be to deal with Di Kongxuan?
To deal with Di Kongxuan, ten or eight Great Elders are justified, and Duanmu Shenzhou is only at the Golden Core Stage cultivation level, wouldn't it be death if he went up?
"Girl?" The medicine boy next to her couldn't help but push her when she saw her stunned for so long.

Duanmuyi came back to his senses and said ah: "What?"

Yaotong said: "Girl, that young master has already left. If you really miss him, why don't you let him accompany you more?"

"..." Duanmuyi coughed dryly, and changed the subject, "Do you need something from me?"

"My master said that he still has two patients, and he will come back later to feel the girl's pulse." After saying that, the drug boy saluted her and left.

Duanmuyi's guess is correct, the Duanmu family is indeed recruiting people, but it's not to deal with Di Kongxuan, but because the Duanmu family found the trace of the bone by the stream.

(End of this chapter)

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