Chapter 1382

The creekside bone itself is the elixir, excluding the idea of ​​dealing with Duanmuyi, it has a huge attraction to the major families.

Therefore, the Duanmu family planned to grab the creek bone while designing the appearance of Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi spent three days in the medical clinic, barely relying on the efficacy of the snake elephant bone to suppress the problems in the internal organs.

But the poison on her body has not been cured, and her spiritual power cannot be mobilized, so naturally she has no way to heal herself.

It wasn't until the third night that Erhu recovered from his injuries, came out of the spirit pet space, donated a drop of his own blood to detoxify Duanmuyi's body, and then his spiritual power began to resume.

After the spiritual power is restored, the healing will start automatically.

However, the meridian has been damaged beyond recognition, and after such a repair, the pain he endured is not weaker than when he was injured.

Duanmuyi endured for two hours, the pain reached the limit, and finally passed out.

Not long after she fainted, the room was filled with spiritual power, a red light suddenly flashed, Di Kongxuan hurried forward and embraced her in his arms.

Erhu squatted aside, revealing a humanized sadness.

Di Kongxuan said: "You go back first, she will leave it to me."

The ear fox screamed, turned into a ray of blue light, and returned to the spirit pet space.

Di Kongxuan took out the silver needle that he carried with him, pierced the acupoints in order according to the method Jiang Xin gave him, and then poured his own spiritual power into her body, slowly helping her recover from the injury.

After half an hour passed, Duanmuyi spat out a mouthful of blood, and his complexion finally improved.

Dikongxuan breathed a sigh of relief, just as he put Duanmuyi down, the door was pushed open.

Yaotong came in: "Girl, Yao...ah! Who are you!"

"Give me the medicine." Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand.

He was born with an aura of giving orders, and the faint three words actually frightened the medicine boy so that he didn't dare to say anything, and handed over the medicine respectfully.

Di Kongxuan took it, fed Duanmuyi to drink, turned his head to see that Yaotong hadn't left yet.

"Do you still have something to do?" Considering that Yaotong was doing his best to take care of Duanmuyi, Di Kongxuan didn't speak coldly.

Yaotong moved forward and said, "Master asked me to feel the girl's pulse..."

Di Kongxuan stepped aside, Yaotong took out the pulse pillow, and covered Duanmuyi's wrist with a piece of white gauze before putting his fingers on it.

After a while, the drug boy's face was full of surprise: "How did you get better so quickly!"

"Since you're fine, you can go out." Di Kongxuan leaned on the side and said lightly.

"Ah... yes yes." Yaotong stood up, shaking his head and said, "I never thought that the prescription prescribed by Master would have the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

When the young master sent it, the master clearly said that his life would not be long, so why are you getting better now? "

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, and stopped him who was about to go out: "That young master? Why, didn't you save her?"

Yaotong turned around and said nervously: "Yes, yes, it was a very handsome son who brought the girl here, and she was already seriously injured when she was sent.

Master said, it is not easy for the girl to live to this day, and we can only do our best and obey the destiny. "

Di Kongxuan didn't speak any more, Xiao Yaotong closed the door after leaving, and he sat down beside the bed, seeing Duanmuyi's face covered in cold sweat, he took out a sweat towel and wiped her off.

When Duanmuyi woke up again, it was already high in the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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