Chapter 1383

She blinked her eyes, a layer of blood mist covered her eyes, she lamented in her heart, she must be dying of illness, right?
The body is not so painful, is it a hallucination?

Just as she was thinking, the blood mist moved, and she realized that it was actually a cloud sleeve.

"Di Kongxuan?" she called.

This fabric, this color, there is no one else except Di Kongxuan.

Sure enough, the sleeves moved away, Di Kongxuan leaned down and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's much better." Duanmuyi glanced to the side, there were no curtains in the windows of the medical hall, and the sunlight was dazzling during the day, and it seemed that Dikongxuan was just trying to shade her.

She was moved in her heart, raised a smiling face, and said, "It seems that I owe you another life."

Di Kongxuan glanced at her, his face turned cold, and he stood up with a flick of his sleeves: "It's good that you know."

Seeing that he was getting angry, Duanmuyi knew that this time she rashly followed Li Shuyu out, which really annoyed him. If he refused to accept it, with Di Kongxuan's temperament, she might have to give her face for a few days.

So, Duanmuyi grabbed Dikongxuan's sleeve, and put on an aggrieved face: "I'm in some pain."

"It deserves it." Di Kongxuan snorted coldly, looked at her and said, "Where does it hurt?"

"Headache." Duanmuyi pressed his temple, raised one eyelid and said, "I have a headache thinking about you."

Dikongxuan couldn't hold back anymore, a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Duanmu said hurriedly: "Just smile, you should smile more, otherwise you will look fierce."

Dikongxuan was stunned for a moment, this sentence seemed to be familiar to her more than 200 years ago, and now she spit it out of her mouth again, which only made him feel as if it had been a long time ago.

He sat down again, stretched out his hand, and took her into his arms.

"If you dare to leave me in the future, I will dig you out from heaven and earth."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Dikongxuan to be so easy to coax today.

She didn't know that she was actually the person Di Kongxuan had been looking for for more than 200 years.

"By the way, it was Duanmu Shenzhou who saved me." Duanmu Yi said, "The Duanmu family has made a big move, I don't know what they are going to do."

Di Kongxuan said: "They headed towards Dalu Mountain, they should be heading towards the bones by the stream."

"Bone by the stream!" Duanmu Yi immediately lifted the quilt, "Then let's leave as soon as possible."

Di Kongxuan stopped her, and smiled slowly: "Do you think the bones by the stream are so easy to get?

Do you still remember that strange water circle when we first took sand tree wood? "

Duanmuyi immediately recalled that in the sand-free sea, if Di Kongxuan hadn't been able to hide quickly in the water circle that he entered to get the sand tree wood, they might have been seriously injured by the monsters in the water circle.

That was when Mu Xin disappeared. If Mu Xin was there at that time, it would be a hundred times more dangerous.

"The bone by the stream is the bone by the stream of monster beasts, one piece is produced in a thousand years, and it has been guarded by monsters of all ages.

To get this bone, one must first hunt and kill monsters. "Di Kongxuan said, "Although the Duanmu family has many elites, they will not dare to make big moves, enlarge the elders to fight alone with the stream, and we will sit back and enjoy their achievements." "

"Sure enough, it's insidious." Duanmuyi praised.

Di Kongxuan looked at her with raised eyebrows, and accepted such compliments without changing his face.

In the valley of Dalu Mountain, there is a deer river meandering out.

Luhebei is filled with miasma every year, and occasionally there are people who enter by mistake, and no one survives. This place has become a forbidden place.

However, today, another group of people broke the tranquility here.

(End of this chapter)

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