Chapter 1384

The wild barking of monsters came from the miasma. The barking sound was like a dog, but more rough and powerful than a dog.

Three figures flew back, and a giant three-meter-long dog chased out of the miasma. When it landed, even the ground trembled.

"Is this the streamside?" On the mountainside in the distance, there was a huge pine tree, and two people stood hand in hand on the top of the tree, looking at the battle circle opposite.

Di Kongxuan nodded and said: "There are at most one or two monsters in the human world. From what I see here, there should be two guards by the stream."

"Where is the bone by the stream?" Duanmuyi looked around and asked.

Di Kongxuan looked around, then pointed to a cliff in Lubei River, and said, "Did you see the ivy over there?"

Duan Muyi nodded, and heard him say: "Behind the green vines should be the cave by the stream, there is probably another one inside, and the bone by the stream should also be there."

"Then do we have to wait?" Duanmuyi asked.

Di Kongxuan nodded: "Wait a little longer, it would be best if we could also lure that monster out."

The two kept their voices quiet, watching the smoky chaos by the Deer River.

Finally the Great Elder made a move, and the screaming by the stream became even more horrific, and after a while, he fell into the Deer River.

The Great Elder stood in the air, and said: "A mere monster of the [-]th level of Jindan dares to challenge this old man!"

Roaring loudly by the stream, everyone was startled to feel something strange behind them, only felt that miasma floated for a while, and another sharp claw protruded out, cutting one person's belly open in an instant.

"No, there is another one here!" The clansmen fled in disorder.

The face of the Great Elder has changed a bit. A golden core level [-] monster is equivalent to a human's Yuanying stage. If two such monsters join forces, he may not be a match.

Duanmu Shenzhou shouted from below: "Grand Elder, if you can't do it, just withdraw first!"

"No, if you miss this opportunity, it will be even more difficult in the future." Duanmu Xiaoxiao followed suit.

The Great Elder said with a tense face, "Stop that monster for me, I will deal with this one first, and we must not let them join forces!"

The members of the Duanmu family moved one after another. Naturally, Duanmu Shenzhou couldn't ignore the safety of the clansmen, so he had to order an formation to block the stream for a while.

Just as the people of the Duanmu family were staring at their eyes, two figures had already swayed into the cave by the stream.

"Wow, it stinks." Duanmuyi covered his nose.

Di Kongxuan cast a spell to seal the two people's sense of smell, and then they were able to walk inside.

"So many treasures?" Duan Muyi looked around, but saw that the caves were full of magical weapons from the human world, which were usually used by practitioners of the Houtian realm to hunt and kill monsters.

Di Kongxuan said: "They are all mercenary regiments who are overwhelmed."

These magic tools are priceless treasures to ordinary people, but to practitioners like them, they are equivalent to tasteless.

Duanmuyi didn't stay too long, the two walked all the way inside and finally came to the end.

"Is this right here?" Duanmuyi turned around and asked in doubt, "No, why didn't I sense the existence of spiritual things?"

The elixir will emit powerful spiritual power. If the creek bone is here, with her innate skills, there is no reason why she cannot sense it.

Di Kongxuan also said: "It seems that we are all wrong."


"Dalu Mountain has traces of streamside haunts, so we all took it for granted that there would be streamside bones here. But..."

(End of this chapter)

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