Chapter 1385

"Maybe there used to be, but since the bones by the stream appeared in Fengcheng three years ago, it means that someone took the bones by the stream at least at that time." Di Kongxuan said, "However, since the bones by the stream are willing to guard here, It means that the bone by the stream is not too far from here."

Duanmuyi immediately said: "Then let's leave quickly."

"Don't worry." Di Kongxuan looked around, and slowly raised the corners of his lips, "There are so many treasures here, the combined value is definitely not less than the bones by the stream."

Duanmuyi's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out the spirit ring, and searched the cave without saying a word.

They have worked hard to collect treasures for an unknown number of years by the stream, which enriches the internal storage of Duanmuyi's spirit ring.

"Use your innate skills to check if there is anything particularly strange within a radius of five miles." Di Kongxuan said.

"En." Duanmu nodded his head, and immediately sat down cross-legged, intending to guard his soul.

With a thought, a majestic soul force spread.

This is completely different from the spiritual power she usually uses to communicate with spiritual beings.

Usually, he does whatever he wants, but this time he used it for investigation, it can be said that the soul power poured out.

The weeds, vines, and dead trees in the entire cave began to grow wildly after feeling this spiritual power, and gathered towards Duanmuyi, lying at her feet, as if surrendering.

Outside the cave, the two streams felt this spiritual power, and their eyes were full of human surprise.

The two monsters turned around almost at the same time, left the Duanmu family who was attacking them, and ran towards the cave frantically.

"What's going on?" Duanmu Shenzhou was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and said, "Great Elder, something seems wrong."

The Great Elder's gaze had already fallen on the entrance of the cave: "I feel a very powerful soul wave... No, there are people in the cave!"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao immediately shouted: "It must have come for the bones by the stream, Grandpa, don't let them succeed!"

"Shen Zhou, bring people to follow me and surround the entrance of the cave!" the Great Elder said in a deep voice.

Duanmu Shenzhou responded, and immediately ordered a group of people to protect Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and he personally led the rest to surround the entrance of the cave.

The Great Elder was already standing outside the entrance of the cave hanging in the air, and he raised his breath and shouted: "Where is the expert in the cave? This old man is the Great Elder of the Duanmu family. He has been looking for the bones by the stream for more than half a year. I hope you will follow the rules. One will come first, first come!"

"Come first, come first, what a ghost, we entered this cave first, so it is supposed to be us first." A girl's sneer came from inside the cave.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao murmured: "Does this voice sound familiar?"

Immediately afterwards, she saw two figures coming out of the cave. The man in the red clothes fluttered like a flower in full bloom, with a stunning face that made people unforgettable.

And the girl who was following him had her arms folded around her chest, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and her eyes swept across her eyes, revealing a piece of ice.

She gritted her teeth and shouted, "Liu'er!"

Duanmu Shenzhou also raised his head in astonishment, his watery eyes fluctuated.

Duanmuyi looked around and said with a smile: "The Duanmu family is so majestic."

The Great Elder snorted: "So it was you, the old man wondered who was so shameless, and broke into the cave to steal the elixir while the old man was restraining the monster.

Where is the bone by the stream, hand it over! "

"Want the bones of the stream? Why don't you ask Xibian first if he agrees?" Duan Muyi stepped aside, and the two monsters had already spewed a foul wind and roared out.

(End of this chapter)

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