Chapter 1386

"What?!" The Great Elder did not expect that Xibian would obey Duanmuyi's command, and immediately mobilized his spiritual power in a hurry, and even relied on his own strength to resist the attack of the monster.

At the same time, Di Kongxuan had already flew up, his palm turned upside down, the red light flashed dazzlingly in his palm, and immediately turned into a circular ripple that spread out.

The members of the Duanmu family who rushed forward were all repulsed by the red light, even Duanmu Shenzhou felt the blood surging all over his body, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"How is it possible?" Duanmu Shenzhou clutched his chest and said, "What is this person's identity? The red spiritual power should be at the Golden Core stage. How could he be so powerful?"

The Great Elder had already landed in front of him, and a burst of spiritual power was injected into his body.

"His cultivation base is very mysterious, you can't judge his cultivation base by the color of ordinary spiritual power, be careful." The Great Elder warned and said.

Duanmu Shenzhou nodded, and suddenly shouted: "Great Elder, be careful!"

The Great Elder was keenly aware of the spiritual force coming from behind, and immediately pushed Duanmu Shenzhou away, then drew a circle with one hand, and pushed out with both palms, fighting with Di Kongxuan.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and saw that Duanmuyi had already slipped back along the path, she immediately said: "You guys follow me and catch that bitch!"

Duanmu Shenzhou followed quickly: "Xiao Xiao, it's too dangerous, don't mess around."

"Brother, that bitch has repeatedly hurt me, aren't you willing to make decisions for me?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao grabbed his arm, "Why don't you come with me."

"This..." Duanmu Shenzhou has always disapproved of her actions. He knows his sister's temperament best, and no one can stop her mischief.

Now seeing her look like she vowed to catch Duanmuyi, he has no choice.

In the end, he comforted himself that with his presence, Duanmuyi's life could be kept safe.

Di Kongxuan was entangled by the great elder, but Duanmuyi had to face the pursuit of dozens of members of the Duanmu family.

Duanmuyi didn't dare to be careless, she simply had abundant spiritual power, and there were many spiritual creatures around her, who could replenish her lost spiritual power anytime and anywhere, she could afford to fight a war of attrition.

What's more, among the people who are chasing her now, except for Duanmu Shenzhou, who has a mid-Gold Core cultivation base and surpassed her, everyone else is still wandering around in the late Xiantian stage.

As long as Duanmu Shenzhou doesn't make a move, she is confident that she can escape.

However, Duanmu Xiaoxiao has already shouted: "Brother, stop her!"

"Xiao Xiao, why bother to kill them all?" Duanmu Shenzhou wanted to dissuade him.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao had already said: "Brother, this is an order from Dad.

The bone by the stream may be on her body, are you going to disobey Daddy's order? "

Duanmu Shenzhou was stunned for a moment, sighed helplessly, and quickly jumped up, with the blue-red spiritual power flashing in his palm.

He is also a wood-type aura, but his cultivation level is far higher than Duanmuyi's. The level suppression is not for nothing, and Duanmuyi suddenly felt the pressure increased.

"Are you going to catch me too?" Duanmu thought he couldn't run away, so he stood up and looked at him.

Duanmu Shenzhou said gently: "Miss Liu'er, my duty is to offend me.

You still don't resist, come with me, I promise I won't hurt you. "

Duanmuyi smiled, his eyebrows were stained with the frost and snow of the twelfth lunar month, and said in a deep voice: "It's useless to talk more, if you want to arrest me, then take my dead body back."

"Why are you bothering?" Duanmu sank into the boat lightly, the surrounding leaves rattled, and countless fallen leaves turned into flying knives, swirling his spiritual power to force Duanmuyi.

(End of this chapter)

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