Chapter 1387

Duanmuyi turned her palm, and the tree roots under her feet suddenly swelled up, forming an indestructible protective shield beside her.

The flying blades of the leaves jingled and tapped on the roots of the tree, but they didn't break through the defense.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao shouted: "Everyone go up together, I don't believe that this defense cannot be broken!"

"Xiao Xiao, just leave it to me." Duanmu Shenzhou hurriedly said.

He was afraid that the people of the tribe would not be serious about attacking, so he had to use all his strength, and the tree root defense seemed a bit unsightly, and it quickly shattered.

But Duanmuyi did not retreat but advanced, turned into a phantom, the Seven Treasures knife came out of its sheath, and stabbed Duanmu to sink the boat.

In the distance, the spiritual power of Di Kongxuan and the Great Elder collided violently again, which seemed to be very powerful.

Di Kongxuan was already approaching here, and the Great Elder could only stop him with all his might, waiting for Duanmu Shenzhou to take Duanmuyi down so that he could hold Dikongxuan hostage.

Duanmu Shenzhou also saw the situation clearly, seeing that the First Elder was injured, he paused in his heart, knowing that he could not delay any longer, if something happened to the First Elder, he would not be redeemed by death.

"I'm sorry, Miss Liuer." Duanmu Shenzhou said in a low voice, and then his spiritual power exploded from the palm of his hand. Duanmu turned to avoid it. .

But immediately after, Duanmu Shenzhou had already approached her side, his spiritual power soared, and Duanmuyi suddenly felt as if his feet were stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

When she looked down, she saw a rich bluish-red spiritual power enveloping her feet with claws and teeth.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao laughed at the side: "My brother's exercises are the most peculiar, let's see where you are going to escape now!"

Duanmuyi pulled out his feet, but it was useless, instead, all his spiritual power poured towards his feet, as if this spiritual power quagmire would absorb her spiritual power.

"Tie her up!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao said.

Duanmu Shenzhou stopped him: "No need, she can't break free no matter what."

"Brother, which side are you on? Why are you talking to outsiders!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao pursed his lips and stepped forward, "I don't care, I just want to tie her up!"

"Hey——" Duanmu Shenzhou reached out to hold her, but she threw it away again.

Duanmuyi's feet were bound, but his hands were still free.

Seeing Duanmu Xiaoxiao coming forward, without saying a word, the Seven Treasure Blade came out of her hand, spun around and pierced Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao flicked his fingertips repeatedly, and the blue-green spiritual power turned into a water curtain to block in front of him, and the Seven Treasure Blade turned into a wisp of colorful smoke and returned to Duanmuyi's hands.

"How dare you be arrogant!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao yelled sharply, and immediately clenched his palm, holding a long whip in his hand, and threw it down towards Duanmuyi from a distance.

Duanmuyi had nowhere to hide, and after being whipped by her, a bloodstain immediately appeared on his neck, and all the blood oozed out.

"Xiao Xiao!" Duanmu Shenzhou grabbed Duanmu Xiaoxiao's wrist, blocking the second whip that she was about to throw down, "She has already been arrested, why do you have to be merciless?"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao snorted, stared at Duanmuyi and said: "You are really a vixen!
You seduced the Emperor and Prince Chuan, Li Shuyu of the Hou Mansion was also fascinated by you, and now even my brother has come to plead for you.

Just looking at your vicious face makes me feel sick! "

"Sure enough, it's a coincidence. Looking at your face, I feel like I'm going to spit out last year's New Year's Eve dinner." Duanmuyi sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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