Chapter 1389

Duanmu Shenzhou's spiritual power quagmire was useless, it dissipated and disappeared immediately, and Duanmu Yi was lifted into the air.

She glanced to the side, and Erhu had already carried Dikong Xuan on her back, facing the remaining ten people across the air.

However, Erhu's strength is still barely feasible against the masters of the Golden Core stage, and it is afraid that there is no chance of winning against the strong ones of the Nascent Soul stage.

"Little girl, you can't take care of yourself anymore, do you still want to care about other people's lives?" Chi Snake pulled Duanmuyi in front of him, and looked at her with interest, like looking at an ant.

Duanmuyi naturally refused to admit defeat, and with a thought, the illusion of Chang Fei spread out from between his brows like a tide.

The halo was in a trance, covering everyone.

The members of the Duanmu family with low cultivation levels have already fallen into the illusion, but the red snake is still conscious, looking at Duanmuyi and laughing: "It turned out to be an unreal illusion.

Unexpectedly, you would have such an encounter in the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm...Huh?Snake like bone? "

His palm pressed against Duanmuyi's rib.

Duanmu suggested that he could not control him, so he had to take back the illusion of Yan Fei, trying to avoid his palm.

But Red Snake has already raised his head, looking at her eyes with a fiery light: "Double bloodlines, the illusion of Fei Fei, a snake like a bone, you girl is full of treasures?
That ear fox is also your spiritual pet, right?
Haha, the leader will be very happy to bring you back! "

"Let me go!" Duanmu said coldly, "If you dare to touch me, I will ask you to live or die!"

Red Snake raised his eyebrows and laughed loudly: "I have lived for more than 300 years, and I have never heard anyone say such a thing to me.

Alright, the old man wants to see how you can make the old man live or die! "

After he finished speaking, he clenched his palm into a fist and punched Duanmuyi's rib.

Duanmuyi only felt the snake bones in his body tremble, and cracks appeared in the meridians.

The elephant bone emits a bright white light and begins to repair the meridians.

She spat out a mouthful of blood, knelt down in front of Red Snake.

"Tsk tsk, girl, if you can't do it, don't speak harshly." Chi Snake laughed.

"Who said, I can't do it!" Duanmuyi raised his head, his eyes were scarlet, and he clenched his fists suddenly.

The dark green drop-shaped bead that had been safely staying in her dantian burst open at this moment.

The golden core in the dantian started to spin crazily, forming a whirlwind of spiritual power directly around her body, making a humming sound.

The blood seemed to be boiling, and the skin all over his body turned red.

Her pupils began to turn dark green, her long hair fluttered, and the sleeves of her arms could not bear the spiritual power, and they exploded directly.

You can see dark green tattoos appearing on her arms.

And the aura on her body also started to rise rapidly!
Early stage of Golden Core, middle stage of Golden Core, late stage of Golden Core, peak of late stage...

In the end, her aura stayed at the peak of the Nascent Soul, and the dark yellow spiritual power spread out from her body, directly turning into a pair of soft armor and covering her body.

"This is..." Chi Snake froze for a moment, and was also frightened by her sudden change. After a while, he said in surprise, "It's the power of the blood, such an excellent power of the blood, which is unique in the vast continent. What a treasure to meet!"

Duanmuyi raised his eyes, and the Seven Treasure Blade fell into his hand again.

She stared at Red Snake, and said coldly: "Old man, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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