Chapter 1390

"Don't think that you can fight the old man with confidence by relying on the power of breaking through the bloodline to improve your own strength.

The old man has been in the Yuanying stage for more than 100 years, and his cultivation is so concise that you are far beyond his reach. "

Red Snake let out a cold snort, and took the lead. The spiritual power of the fire element turned orange-red, turning into a fire dragon and pounced on her.

Duanmu didn't want to avoid it, and went forward to meet him.

In mid-air, Erhu had already led Di Kongxuan and the strong Nascent Soul over there to fight.

Di Kongxuan seemed to want to move, but Erhu firmly stopped him, only to hear him say: "Leave me alone, take her away."

"Master wants me to protect you, I can't disobey orders." Erhu said.

Di Kongxuan's eyes had turned red-gold, and the blood all over his body was in pain like needle pricks after being poisoned.

Dabai, another personality, is about to emerge, but he is firmly suppressed by him.

"You Yuan, go!"

The spirit pet space trembled, and the white-haired ape came out, its whole body swelled in the wind, turning into a giant spirit beast like a mountain.

It smashed its fists on the top of the mountain, and countless gravels were thrown towards the people of the Black League.

Facing such a battle, only the great elder has the strength to fight, but the members of the Duanmu family still need his protection.

Seeing that the Black League had already intervened, the Great Elder knew that this was the family's intention. The family must have sent someone to contact the Black League, and immediately ordered to retreat.

Duanmu Shenzhou's eyes were fixed on that graceful figure.

He was not mistaken, when her sleeve was torn just now, he had seen the dark green tattoo in the family before!
That was Duanmuyi of that trash without spiritual roots.

Once, she was severely injured by the family rules, and she was about to die. Suddenly, this tattoo appeared on her arm, and then she recovered in a strange way.

He has only seen it once, but he will never admit his mistake!
"It's her..." Duanmu Shenzhou murmured.

He came back from traveling abroad, only to learn that his aunt's family had already been killed by his father, and the reason turned out to be that his aunt didn't want to reconcile with his uncle and marry the so-called governor of Yuandong!

And the younger sister he loved the most since he was a child, the timid Yi'er younger sister, also fell into the Dan River, and there was no possibility of her surviving.

He once felt that his heart was about to break, but now seeing her again, she is already such an outstanding and strong person!

Joy welled up in Duanmu Shenzhou's heart.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao asked: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Duanmu Shenzhou held her arm and said: "No wonder I feel familiar with her when I saw her, so she is Yi'er, she is Yi'er!"

"What? Who is Yi'er?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

"Liu'er, Liu'er is Duanmuyi! She's not dead, she's not dead!" Duanmu Shenzhou looked at Duanmuyi who was fighting with Red Snake evenly, and laughed, "Great, she's not dead."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked at the battle situation here, his mind was struck by lightning.

"Impossible, how is it possible..." She watched Duanmuyi fall into the Dan River with her own eyes.

The power of Danhe is so strong, how could that trash without spiritual roots survive!
But—Duanmu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered the inexplicable malice of this person when he was in the Jialan tribe.

There were also resentment that was revealed several times, it didn't seem like it would only be there when we first met.

Could it really be her?

Duanmu Xiaoxiao clenched his fists: "Duanmuyi!"

When you were young, you snatched my elder brother from me, and now you come to seduce so many men, you really are restless!

(End of this chapter)

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