Chapter 1391

Knowing that Liu'er is Duanmu Yi, the killing intent in Duanmu Xiaoxiao's heart increased instead of diminishing.

She gritted her teeth and swore in her heart that she must kill this woman.

"Pfft—" The situation of the battle has been divided, and everyone has already avoided it.

Looking at it at this time, I was surprised to find that it was not Duanmuyi who vomited blood, but Elder Chishe.

Red Snake clutched his chest and took a few steps back, sneering: "I don't believe it, you alone can beat 20 of us!
Qing Yan, you and I join forces, don't waste time! "

"Heh, Red Snake, you can't even beat a little girl?" When the battle was over in mid-air, another strong Nascent Soul early stage had appeared beside Red Snake.

Erhu and Dikongxuan also landed next to Duanmuyi, Erhu was slightly injured, while Dikongxuan had fallen into a coma.

Duanmu Yi glanced at Di Kongxuan, worried in his heart, but he had to deal with the person in front of him first.

The formation of the Black League is very good, 20 people are like one person.

Moreover, after forming the formation, the aura seemed to have surpassed Yuanying's previous cultivation, which made Duanmuyi also feel strong pressure.

She understood more clearly that her spiritual power at this time was also obtained through the power of blood, and it did not last long, and she was afraid that it would disappear soon.

Once these powers disappear, I'm afraid she will really be slaughtered.

"Are you going to be slaughtered..." She smiled softly, her eyes condensed, "Impossible!"

Immediately, she pointed out that the spells changed, and the illusion of Yin and Fei spread from between her eyebrows again. Under the power of Yuanying's early stage, the illusion was displayed, which was completely different from Jindan's early stage.

The scope of the illusion continued to spread, and at the same time, her finger skills changed again, and the "control" skills she had learned began to operate.

In this way, all the spirit beasts included in Yan Fei's illusion will be under her control.

Erhu exclaimed: "Master, you are crazy, and your soul power will be exhausted in this way!"

Duanmuyi's eyes were crazy and firm, and he did not care about Erhu's dissuasion at all, and fully opened his skills.

All the spirit beasts in the entire mountain forest roared at the same time, and the two monster beasts by the stream were the first to bear the brunt, and rushed towards Red Snake and Qing Yan.

"She can actually control monsters, who the hell is she?" Qing Yan's expression became serious.

Xibian's cultivation is definitely not low. Under Duanmuyi's control, Chi Snake and Qing Yan also found it a little troublesome to attack the black alliance's formation of 20 people with all their strength.

But the trouble doesn't stop there, and immediately after that, there are many spirit beasts in the entire mountain forest.

Tigers, lions, poisonous pythons... all the spirit beasts rushed out and rushed towards the 20 people of the Black League.

The face of the Great Elder finally changed, he looked at Duanmuyi, and murmured: "How could this happen?"

"Grandpa, what kind of exercise is this?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao asked.

"I'm afraid it's her innate skill." The Great Elder had never seen such a powerful technique.

It is not uncommon for ordinary cultivators, those with strong soul power, or those who have practiced specific skills, to be able to control one or two spirit beasts for their own use.

But something like Duanmuyi was unheard of.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao said indignantly: "How could she have such good luck, she is clearly a waste!"

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's withdraw first. This matter must be reported to the clan!"

The Great Elder didn't stop, gave the order, and led the people to leave immediately.

The people of the Duanmu family evacuated the valley, but the people of the Black League were not so easy to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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