Chapter 1392

At this time, a tide of spirit beasts swarmed from all directions, like a black wave, engulfing the 20 members of the Black League in an instant.

Chi Snake and Qing Yan were fighting against the two monsters by the stream at this time, unable to take care of themselves.

The rest of the Black League didn't have time to deal with Duanmuyi and the others, so they gave Duanmuyi an opportunity.

"Erhu, bring God Kongxuan, let's go!" Duanmuyi didn't like to fight, relying on the army of beasts to hold back the Heimeng people, he turned his head and ran towards the direction he sensed earlier in the cave.

The streamside bone was still her goal. After such a big stumble this time, the streamside bone must be obtained.

Thinking of being in the cave just now, Di Kongxuan said that the streamside bones can exist near here, but they are not snatched back by the streamside, it must be because there is a powerful barrier protecting them.

Since there is an enchantment, she can escape the black alliance's temporary pursuit when she enters the enchantment.

Erhu carried Di Kongxuan on his back and rushed out following Duanmuyi.

Red Snake roared: "I must kill you!"

However, Qing Yan retreated to his side and said: "Don't be impulsive, since she has such a unique technique and also has dual bloodlines, maybe she is the one the leader is looking for.

If you bring her back to the Black League and get her blood essence, why don't you worry about not being able to control the entire Cangyang Continent in the future! "

"Then what should we do now?" Red Snake asked looking at the beasts all over the mountains and plains.

"Don't be in love with the fight, I've planted an accompanying spell on that ear fox just now, they won't be able to escape from my palm." Qing Yan said.

Red Snake heaved a sigh of relief, glanced bitterly at the direction Duanmuyi was leaving, and said unwillingly, "Retreat!"

The 20 people dispatched this time, although no one was injured or died, but there was no gain, so it can be said that it was a waste of time.

The only harvest is probably the discovery of the subtlety of Duanmuyi's dual bloodlines.

And at this moment, the entire vast continent has already begun to shake.

Countless cultivators hiding in the deep mountains and old forests all looked towards this valley of the Fenglan Empire.

Just now, Duanmuyi combined the illusion of Yan Fei with the control technique, and reversed the luck of the world in this place, creating such a shocking momentum, which not only deeply shocked the Duanmu family and the Black League, but also shocked the entire continent. Noticed this strangeness.

"Could it be the blood essence of the Holy Spirit?" In the depths of the Yuandong Empire's imperial palace, in an unremarkable bamboo house, the man with white hair and childlike face raised his head, and the chess piece dropped on the ground with his fingertips.

"Haha, I didn't expect such pure blood to exist in this world. It really is God helping me!"

There is a swamp in the great wilderness of the Lunan Empire, and in the depths of the swamp, there is a sound that penetrates deep into the ground, and it resounds loudly.

In the Jialan tribe, Jiang Xin was performing spells to repair the space, and suddenly his heart was shocked.

He walked out the door, looked at the blue sky, and murmured: "Could it be that her dual bloodlines have been activated?"

The impact of the entire continent is far more than that, and even the major families of the Spirit Race have felt it.

A person with the purest blood is like a walking elixir furnace. The blood in her body can be taken directly, or refined, or absorbed. They are all precious treasures, and they are holy medicines that can directly help people improve their cultivation. .

And a person with the purest blood and double bloodlines is a strange person who only appears once in a thousand years.

Whoever can get such a person will have the opportunity to step into the final realm--transformation!
(End of this chapter)

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