Chapter 1393

Every cultivator's final dream is to transform into a god, break through space, and go to another better world.

But this dream, for thousands of years, has been achieved by very few.

Now, if you get Duanmuyi, you can get the Passport of Huashen, who can't be tempted!
At the moment, all the strong men are about to move.

And these, Duanmuyi did not know.

With the last of her strength, she led the ear fox to run to the place she had sensed earlier, but she felt that her head had started to buzz, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was churning, and she had a splitting headache.

She knew that this was the reason why she used her soul power without any scruples just now.

With her ability, it is not enough to support herself to control so many spirit beasts, but fortunately she did it.

"Master..." Erhu raised his head inadvertently, and suddenly saw Duanmuyi's appearance at this time, sobbing immediately, wishing that he could have an instant healing technique.

Duanmuyi raised his hand to wipe his face, only touched the blood on his hand.

She smiled weakly and stopped in her tracks.

"We have arrived……"

After saying this, she shook her body and fell to the ground.

Because her soul power was exhausted, she fell into a deep sleep.

It is also because of the power of the double bloodlines that had been forcibly broken before, but now the soaring power has receded, and all the meridians in the body have been burst by that powerful force!
Erhu threw Di Kongxuan off, turned into a human form, rushed forward, hugged Duanmuyi in his arms, and shouted: "Master, master, wake up!"

"Ahem..." Di Kongxuan frowned suddenly, and slowly opened his eyes.

Erhu looked at him, saw that his consciousness was still clear, and called out tentatively, "Di Kongxuan?"

Dikongxuan rolled over and got up, but he vomited blood because of this little movement.

He clutched his chest, his face was cold, but his eyes were extraordinarily calm.

He moved forward, injected a bit of spiritual power into Duanmuyi's meridians, then looked around, and said, "There are no pursuers for the time being."

"Are you okay? Will you die, will the master die..." Erhu cried.

Di Kongxuan sat down beside Duanmuyi, took her into his arms, said as if talking to himself, and as if swearing: "She will not die, I will not let her die."

Right in front of the three of them, water ripples suddenly appeared in the originally empty space, and an elk poked its head out from inside, and yelped obediently.

Di Kongxuan looked up, but saw a tender white hand protruding out, grabbed the elk back, and then revealed a girl's face.

Her eyes were one purple and the other blue, and she wore a string of silver scale earrings. She smiled sweetly, revealing two pear dimples.

"Come with me." She beckoned to Dikongxuan.

Dikong's dark eyes moved slightly, and he had already felt the strong spiritual power behind the barrier.

He could foresee that if he entered the barrier, Duanmuyi's injury would definitely improve greatly.

"who are you?"

Duanmuyi sensed this enchantment earlier and told him about it.

But he didn't expect that there would be people living in the barrier.

The girl came out, patted Erhu's head, and let out a sigh: "You have been cast with a walking spell."

Erhu was at a loss: "Accompanying spell?"

The girl raised her hand, the palm of her hand was flooded with silver light, she flicked the back of Erhu's head, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll crack it for you, they won't be able to find you."

Looking at the silver light, Di Kongxuan immediately thought of the silver in Duanmuyi's spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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