Chapter 1394

Compared to the girl in front of me, it can be said that she is much weaker.

"I don't mean anything malicious, I just feel that her breath is very familiar to me." The girl pointed at Duanmuyi and said, "If you don't save her, she may never wake up."

Di Kongxuan made a decisive decision, hugged Duanmuyi and said, "Then I'll have to work."

The girl smiled sweetly, and led the three of them into the barrier, and the crack in the barrier closed behind them.

After a while, Chi Snake and Qing Yan landed in this place.

Qing Yan's expression was ugly: "Impossible, the accompanying spell I planted, if it wasn't for someone with a higher cultivation level than me, how could it be broken!"

"Could it be Di Kongxuan?" Red Snake asked.

Qing Yan shook his head: "Although he has a high level of cultivation, but he has been tricked by us, it is already a miracle that he is not dead right now.

The poison in his body exploded, there must be a three-day period of weakness, and the girl was seriously injured, where can the ear fox take them?
Someone must have saved them! "

Looking at the surrounding area, Red Snake didn't perceive the existence of the enchantment at all, nor did he notice other people, so he retreated with a sullen face.

In this way, they got nothing!
Duanmuyi's consciousness was ups and downs, and every time she was about to wake up, she felt a splitting headache, and the ability to protect herself quickly made her fall into a deep sleep again.

After half a month, finally because of a drop of condensation, the burning pain in his mind gradually receded, Duanmuyi's consciousness began to return, and he felt the unspeakable soreness all over his body.

When she opened her eyes, Di Kongxuan raised his hand and pressed her eyes.

"Don't rush to open your eyes, the sun is very strong."

She murmured, "Am I dead?"

"With me here, you can't die." Di Kongxuan said, slowly moving his fingers away to let her adapt to the light in front of her, and said, "The injury in your body still needs rest, pain is inevitable, just endure it .”

Duanmuyi exhaled slowly and said, "I have already felt it."

The meridians were swollen and burst due to too much spiritual power, but now it will not take a while to recover.

It is not easy to wake her up and restore her soul power.

"What did you just eat?" she asked.

Di Kongxuan raised a lotus leaf in his hand: "It's a drop of dew, which can be called the dew of all spirits.

It is the dewdrops transformed by the aura of thousands of spiritual things, possessing the purest power. "

"How did such a good thing come about?"

Di Kongxuan laughed, and when he bent his eyebrows, there was a bit of unparalleled charm in his eyes, and he looked at her with more tenderness.

Duanmuyi felt a little ashamed just looking at it, then turned his eyes away and said: "You just keep it, it's safe here."

Duanmu suggested that he avoid the question, frowned slightly, and quickly asked: "Did you go to the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm? You were also injured, and your poison..."

"I'm fine." Di Kongxuan interrupted her, got up and said, "My cultivation is not so embarrassing as you.

This time the Duanmu family and the Black League jointly plotted against me, which I did not expect, but I will settle this account with them sooner or later.

Now, don't worry about these things. "

He really didn't want to say Duanmu's opinion, so he didn't force it anymore.

It's just that afterward I learned from Erhu that Di Kongxuan went to the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm, and when he came out, he was covered in blood.

It's like walking out of hell, it's extremely scary.

(End of this chapter)

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