Chapter 1395

With his cultivation at the stage of becoming a god, even if he is bound by the rules of space and suppresses this spiritual power, it is enough to sweep the entire vast continent. How could he suffer such a serious injury?
The ear fox only said that it felt that Di Kongxuan's spiritual power was not as good as before after the battle with the Black League. .

Duanmuyi couldn't figure it out, what did Heimeng do to stimulate him to get poisoned so frequently?
After raising it for more than a month, the meridians in Duanmuyi's body were finally barely repaired.

Although it can't carry too much spiritual power, it is no longer a problem to run the spiritual power to heal injuries on its own.

It was also on this day that she understood why Di Kongxuan said it was safe here.

"Is this the inside of the enchantment?" Duanmu Yi leaned against the door, looking at the towering trees, giant flowers as tall as a person, and the gray rabbit with wings, feeling quite interesting.

The girl who walked in from outside the fence saw her and said with a smile: "This is not an ordinary barrier, this is the demon world."

"Demon Realm?!" Duanmuyi frowned slightly, looked at her and asked, "Are you the one who saved us?"

"It's me, just call me Hu Yuexi." The girl smiled sweetly, "Xixi, or Xiaoxi, or little fox, it's fine."

Duanmuyi nodded slightly: "My name is Duanmuyi."

"I know, according to the seniority in the human world, you are my cousin." Hu Yuexi spit out a shocking secret as soon as he came.

Duanmuyi lost his footing and nearly fell to the ground.

She held onto the door frame and looked at the girl in shock: "What did you say?"

Hu Yuexi spread out his palms, and a ray of light silver spiritual power condensed in his palm: "The spiritual power of our monster race is different from that of the spirit race. The foundation of the spirit race is blue, while the monster race is silver.

You must be very strange, why is there a strange silver in the color of your spiritual power?

That's because there are monster races in your blood. "

"Is there a monster race in my blood?" Duan Muyi murmured, "Could it be that my dual blood is—"

"That's right, it's the twin bloodlines of the Spirit Race and the Monster Race." Hu Yuexi laughed.

Duanmu looked at her blankly: "You said you are my cousin, could it be that my father is..."

The silver spiritual power in the palm of Hu Yuexi changed and turned into a man: "Your father is naturally my uncle.

It is said that in the early years, it was because of falling in love with a girl from the Spirit Race that she married into the Spirit Race. "

From Hu Yuexi's mouth, Duanmuyi learned that the Yaozu has now declined, and all the Yaozu people are living in this barrier.

Because of the powerful soul power unique to the Yaozu, once discovered by the spirit tribe or other cultivators, they will hunt down and kill them.

For thousands of years, the power of the monster clan has been continuously shrinking, and now Hu Yuexi is the only one with the purest blood of the monster clan, and there is only one elder of the monster clan to protect her.

Seeing that the Yaozu elder had reached the end of his life, fortunately Hu Yuexi found Duanmuyi.

"If it weren't for the powerful soul power that you released with all your might, I'm afraid the elder wouldn't be able to notice you." Hu Yuexi said, "The elder said, let me follow you in the future."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows: "Follow me? Do you want me to order you around?"

"What, the elder asked me to study with you, anyway, you are also my cousin." Hu Yuexi wrinkled her nose and retorted in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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