Chapter 1396

Duanmuyi smiled, naturally he didn't take it seriously.

She could feel that Hu Yuexi was now at the late stage of Jindan, and at her age, she could already be regarded as a ghost among cultivators.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the treasures of the entire monster clan have been piled up on her, after all, she is the last hope of the monster clan.

As long as Hu Yuexi can reach the realm of transforming gods, he will be able to revive the Yaozu.

After all, no cultivator would dare to offend a family with a strong person in the transformation stage.


Duanmuyi looked at Hu Yuexi's heartless smile, and wondered whether she took the responsibility of the clan seriously.

"By the way, this is for you." Hu Yuexi took out a small jade bottle from her bosom.

"What is this?" Duanmuyi took it, opened it and smelled it.

Inside is a jelly liquid, which can smell a pine fragrance, mixed with a faint medicinal smell.

Although Duanmuyi was able to communicate with spiritual objects, he could not recognize all spiritual objects.

Hu Yuexi said: "This is the bone marrow essence of the bone by the stream. The emperor told me that you were looking for the bone by the stream, so I brought it for you and refined it for you."

"Refining?" Duanmuyi raised his eyes and said in surprise, "Are you a pharmacist?"

"I'm not, but the elder grandpa is." Hu Yuexi laughed.

Duanmuyi was very curious about this elder of the monster clan, but the most important thing now was to restore his own strength, so he put away the bone marrow essence from the bones by the stream.

"I didn't expect that the bone by the stream, which I've been looking for for so long, is actually inside the enchantment of the monster clan." She said.

Hu Yuexi smiled, and said in a low voice: "I slipped out once three years ago, saw this thing, thought it was pretty, so I took it back to Yaozu."

Duanmuyi's expression suddenly became strange.

Do you think this girl is also a habitual thief?

"That's right, Grandpa Elder wants me to tell you that Yaozu has a secret realm of inheritance, which contains many scrolls of exercises and various cultivation experiences left by the predecessors.

There are also many treasures, you have the blood of the monster clan, you can enter at will.

But..." Hu Yuexi changed the subject and said, "There is a condition, that is, you must first reach the late stage of Jindan. "

Duanmu Yi was just happy, but now she pushed back with "but".

She spent so much time and effort, narrowly escaped death, before she reached the early stage of the golden core stage, and it is extremely difficult to take a step beyond the cultivation level of the golden core stage.

She had a hunch that if she recovered from her injuries this time, she might be able to enter the middle stage of Golden Core, but it would take a long time to reach the late stage of Golden Core.

"Have you been there?" Duanmuyi asked.

Hu Yuexi nodded: "Of course, as soon as I reached the cultivation base of the late Jindan stage, I went in."

"Then you should still be able to enter at will." Duanmu hurriedly approached, "Why don't you see if there are any relevant scrolls about alchemists in it, and show me two?"

Hu Yuexi said with a bitter face: "Don't mention it. I went in last time and ate the three Longxuan pills inside. After being found out by the elder grandpa, I was fined not to enter for three years."

"Dragon Profound Pill? What is that?" Duanmu Yi asked.

Di Kongxuan's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Longxuan Pill is a elixir of the heavenly rank, which has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and can help people condense their souls and improve their cultivation, but it is only effective for people at the golden core stage.

Eat three at a time... you are really reckless. "

(End of this chapter)

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