Chapter 1400

As if a basin of cold water was being poured over his head, the smile in Duanmuyi's eyes faded, he pushed him, and said, "You are so heavy, get up."

Di Kongxuan keenly caught the change of emotion in her eyes, both of them were deep-minded people, neither of them could fool the other.

"Shen?" He asked back, grinning wantonly, but loosened the arm supporting his body, and directly pressed the whole person on her body, "So?"

Duanmu moved his waist uncomfortably, but he stretched out his hand to hold it down, his palm was scalding hot, like a fire bursting into flames, starting a prairie fire in an instant.

"Don't move—" His eyes darkened slightly, more and more like a bottomless vortex.

Duanmu wanted to ask him who was in his heart right now.

It's just rare that she was scared.

She cursed in her heart, Duanmuyi, you bastard, you have been in love for ten years, and you have never missed a hand. .

"Di Kongxuan, I'm a little tired." She said bluntly, "I want to sleep, so—"

Unexpectedly, Di Kongxuan said, "Then go to sleep."

The two looked at each other, staring at each other.

3 minute later.

Duanmuyi was defeated: "I can't sleep with you like this."

"Do you think I'm not tired?" Dikong looked at her deeply with dark eyes, "I've protected you for so many days, you little white-eyed wolf, didn't you even have a word of thanks in the end?"

"Then thank you - um!" Duanmu Yi was about to thank him, but he stopped him when he opened his mouth.

Di Kongxuan didn't want to hear her thank you so casually. Although she was good at disguising, whether she liked it or not, whether she was happy or not, she could hide it very well, but he could hear it.

Which one is true and which one is not.

So his kiss was a little aggressive, he just wanted to tell her that she couldn't be unhappy, he was willing to give her everything he had, why should she be unhappy?

Her joys and sorrows should be one with him.

Duanmuyi was very powerless, he didn't know why this man went crazy.

A bloody smell gradually came out of her mouth, and his lips had been worn out by him, but he didn't stop.

Immediately afterwards, she clearly felt the man's desire, just leaning on her body undisguisedly, like a gunpowder that would explode at any time.

What's going on--she was confused, although Di Kongxuan used to touch her from time to time, but he never showed such obvious desire, and she also knew that she had always been Dikongxuan's human-shaped medicine jar.

He only had so many contacts because he wanted to control her and use her.

But today, it seems to be different.

Duanmuyi turned her head to avoid his kiss, and let his hot lips fall behind her ears.

Her strong self-control kept her awake all the time, she just held up his head, looked at the red gold slowly appearing in his eyes, and asked word by word: "Di Kongxuan, who am I?" ?”

Di Kongxuan's eyes were completely occupied by red gold, he suppressed the discomfort in his body, looked at her and said: "Qingqing—"


Duanmuyi bent his lips into a smile, full of sarcasm.

She was, after all, a substitute for a dead woman.

Duanmuyi, Duanmuyi, it's ridiculous that you were unrestrained and unrestrained in your previous life, and never paid attention to your feelings. In this life, you were captured by such a man and became a prisoner of love.

(End of this chapter)

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