Chapter 1401

There was a flash of light in her palm, and the Seven Treasure Blade rested on his neck.

"Get off."

The scarlet gold in Dikongxuan's eyes became thicker, but the frightening temperature gradually receded.

He didn't move, leaned over to look at the girl's cold eyebrows, and smiled slowly.


Duanmu didn't want to explain more, she was already embarrassed enough, and she didn't want to continue to be embarrassed.

"Don't tell me?" Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said, "Then you can do it."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care about the Seven Treasure Blade on his neck, raised his hand, and pulled off Duanmuyi's belt, then picked up his fingers, and peeled off her coat.

Duanmuyi gripped the handle of the Seven Treasures Blade tightly, and made a slash without hesitation.

At this moment, Di Kongxuan flipped and pressed his wrist, easily snatching the knife from her hand.And the other hand, which was not affected at all, even tore off her shirt.

"Di Kongxuan!" Duan Muyi turned to pinch his wrist, trying to stop him, but he broke it directly again.

The sudden sharp pain caused Duanmu Yi to arch his body abruptly, hitting his scorching lower abdomen impartially.

A man's wicked laughter came from above his head: "It seems that you are also in a hurry."

"Treat me as a dead person, what are you capable of!" Duanmuyi retorted, "If you can't forget Xin Ruqing, why don't you hold her spirit seat and die! I'm here with you in Wushan right now, you don't have to be afraid Xin Ruqing knows, and blames you for not being able to stick to the end!"

Her venomous tongue was also practiced since she was a child, and now every word is stinging, causing Di Kongxuan's heart to hurt suddenly.

He looked at her, and she also looked back, not to be outdone.

After a while, the red gold in Dikongxuan's eyes slowly receded, he sat up, pulled the quilt aside, and left here without looking back.

Duanmuyi's intact left hand held the twisted right wrist, and with a wrong fingertip, he straightened the bone back, and the aura slowly wrapped the injured wrist, slowly healing the wound.

She lay on the futon, knowing how pitiful she looked now.

Spiritual power can heal wounds on the hands, but what about the wounds on the heart?

After that, Duanmuyi didn't see Dikongxuan for three whole days, and she and Hu Yuexi walked around the Yaozu every day, and picked a lot of elixir to enrich the storage space of her spirit ring.

It wasn't until the fourth day that Di Kongxuan appeared outside the courtyard, and the first thing he said was: "It's time to go."

Duanmuyi didn't say anything, got up and left with him.

It seemed like nothing happened between the two of them, but Duanmuyi knew that it was different, the enthusiasm she had ignited for him had turned to ashes.

And he, occasionally looking at her, also looked so strange.

"Cousin, I have to settle the internal affairs of the monster clan and share some work with the clan members." At the exit of the enchantment, Hu Yuexi took Duan Muyi's hand and said, "I put a touch of restraint on the jade bottle containing the bones by the stream. , I will follow the guidance of the prohibition to find you in two days."

Duanmuyi nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Hu Yuexi didn't know the gap between the two, so she turned to look at Di Kongxuan, and said with a smile: "Master Di, you have to treat my cousin well."

Di Kongxuan's expression was indifferent, and he didn't answer.

After all, the two of them were not familiar with each other, Hu Yuexi only thought that he had such a temper and didn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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