Chapter 1402

After finally walking out of the forest, Duan Muyi asked a farmer to inquire, only to find out that the two of them hadn't left the territory of Fengcheng, and they wanted to return to Fengcheng, bypassing this mountain, and they would arrive there in a day's walk.

The days in the cold war were very scary. Even though the two walked together, neither of them spoke. Until the next morning, the gate of Fengcheng finally appeared in front of the two of them.

"Ah!" A man who was squatting at the base of the wall suddenly jumped up like a dog whose tail was stepped on, and immediately rushed to Duanmuyi like a whirlwind, and pressed her shoulder and said, "Mother, Mrs. Peony , you still know to come back!"

The whole world will call her Mrs. Peony, and He Erchuan is the only one.

Duanmu gave him advice, and felt very kind, so he also patted him on the shoulder: "I lost my way in the mountains, and I was delayed for some days."

He Erchuan couldn't believe it a hundred times: "It can take almost two months to get lost?"

Duanmuyi coughed dryly and asked, "Don't tell me you just squatted here for two months?"

"How is it possible!" He Erchuan raised his voice, "Yesterday my wallet was stolen, and I couldn't find a place to live for a while, so I came to the gate of the city."

Duanmu raised his eyebrows.

He Erchuan chuckled, his glass-colored pupils were like the light of the sky, glowing with warmth: "This proves that this king and Mrs. Peony are destined by fate. No, once the wallet is stolen, you will come back."

Duanmuyi: "..." How dare you say it.

He Erchuan saw Di Kongxuan standing not far from Duanmuyi early in the morning. Before he left, the two of them were still close. He thought he had no chance. Why did he look like an enemy again in a blink of an eye?

He blinked, squeezed between the two, and put his hand on Duanmuyi's shoulder: "Hey, are you hungry? I know there is a very delicious restaurant in Fengcheng. Let's go and eat."

Duanmu Yi glanced at his arm on her shoulder, and flicked down with her fingers, flicking his arm away.

"Don't be fussy, or I'll feed your arm to the ear fox." Duanmuyi threatened.

He Erchuan shrank his hands, so he was really honest.

Behind the two of them, Di Kongxuan's gaze flicked across He Erchuan's arm, his face became more gloomy and stern, and he looked like a murderous god.

The three of them sat down in a restaurant. Although Di Kongxuan didn't want to communicate with Duanmu, he followed her closely.

Duanmuyi didn't care at all, asked Xiaoer to serve the food, and immediately asked: "Who will pay the bill today?"

He Erchuan said: "My wallet was stolen."

"Hmm—" Duan Muyi directly skipped Di Kongxuan, and took out an elixir from the spirit ring, "Then I can only pay off the debt with the elixir, and I have no money."

"Eh..." He Erchuan looked at Dikongxuan.

Di Kongxuan cast his eyes away, acting as if strangers should not enter.

He Erchuan touched his nose, turned his head and shouted: "Little Er, why haven't you served the food yet, you're starving to death!"

The three of them ordered four dishes and one soup. Duanmu Yiyou ordered a jug of wine, but he didn't pour it for Dikongxuan, so he and He Erchuan drank it separately.

He Erchuan hoped that Di Kongxuan would not be able to please him, so naturally he would not speak for Dikongxuan, and he and Duanmuyi came and went, drinking very refreshingly.

"What do you do next?" He Erchuan wiped his mouth and said, "Have you got the bone by the stream?"

Duanmuyi nodded: "I got it, but I don't plan to leave Fengcheng yet. Li Shuyu gave me a hand, this account will not be settled so easily."

(End of this chapter)

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