Chapter 1403

"That's right, I've been annoyed by that kid for a long time. On the surface, he called his sister affectionately, but behind his back, he was really tricky." He Erchuan took out his prince's badge and said, "You say, It is my prince's order to fight alone or in groups, and the army of the Hull Empire on the border of Chen Bing can suppress the border at any time."

Duanmu said: "..."

She pushed back the Prince's badge and said, "You keep this thing away. This is a personal grievance between Li Shuyu and I. Naturally, it's private, and no one else needs to intervene."

Her words were not only for He Erchuan, but also for Dikongxuan.

She will handle her affairs by herself, and no one will interfere.

He Erchuan had no choice but to take back the token, and said: "Where you want my king's help, you must not be polite, we are all one family, and mine is yours."

"Alright then, you can pay." Duanmuyi said.

All Heerchuan's lofty ambitions are gone.

It can be said that a penny can't beat a hero.

While the two looked at each other, Di Kongxuan had already placed a piece of broken silver on the table with his backhand, got up and left.

Duanmuyi and He Erchuan immediately acted as if nothing had happened, walked out the door talking and laughing.

This afternoon, Li Shuyu received a note.

He stared at the note for a while in a daze, then he put on his saber, called a few servants to go out together, and arrived at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

On the hillside of Nanshan is Nanshan Temple, and at the foot of the mountain is a river.

By the river, he saw three people sitting or standing.

His eyes fell on the head of the person, the girl who was swimming on the river with a pile of pebbles in her hand. She always looked cold, and even when she smiled, she looked like the sunshine in winter , no heat.

But she just attracted all his eyes for no reason.

At first, Li Shuyu only wanted to get her spirit ring, but gradually, he was conquered by her personality charm and wanted to get closer to her.

He thought he was just envious of Duan Muyi's skill, but he didn't know his absurd assumption until that day when Zhao Bijin drugged her and he got close to her body and even hugged her waist.

Li Shuyu has never been interested in any woman. He himself is the most favored third son of the Hou Mansion. Even if the Fenglan Empire is an empire of women, but as long as the maids of the Hou Mansion are his favorites, there is no one who will not climb up to him. bed.

Because of this, he found himself wanting Duanmuyi like never before.

So when Duanmu Xiaoxiao found him, he was defeated by that obsession.

At this time, Duanmuyi heard the footsteps, turned his head, and the eyes of the two met in mid-air.

One is extremely cold, while the other is full of mixed flavors.

Duanmuyi threw the stone in his hand to the ground, and walked over, patting the dust in his palm.

"Sister Yi..." Li Shuyu called out.

Duanmuyi raised his hand to stop him: "Don't call me so affectionate, the threshold of the Hou's Mansion is high, and I, Duanmuyi, can't afford it."

"Duan... Duanmuyi?" Li Shuyu didn't expect that even Mu Liu was just a pseudonym.

Until today, he felt that he really knew very little about this righteous sister.

"Finally, what solution do you want?" Duanmu Yi turned his palm over, and the Seven Treasure Blade fell into his hand.

Staring at her icy eyes, Li Shuyu felt that the hairs all over his body were about to stand on end.

(End of this chapter)

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