Chapter 1413

Duanmuyi smiled coldly, looked at him and didn't speak.

It's just that in the fundus of her eyes, it is clearly written, you are dreaming.

Duanmu Shenzhou couldn't stand it anymore, he stretched out his hand and pulled Duanmu Yi behind him, and said: "Di Kongxuan, what is it to threaten women?
Ah Yi, you go first, I want to compete with him! "

"No, you can leave here." Duan Muyi waved his hand, "I don't need any of you to ask about my affairs."

After she said that, she turned around and left here.

Duanmu Shenzhou chased her out, and wanted to persuade her that even if she didn't go back to Duanmu's house, she should leave Di Kongxuan, a dangerous man.

But behind, a strong wind hit.

Duanmu Shenzhou is a late Jindan cultivation base, and he is already considered an extremely outstanding genius among his peers.

But his opponent is a ghost with more than 200 years of cultivation, even the Great Elder is not his opponent, how can Duanmu Shenzhou win against him?

After the three simple moves, Duanmu Shenzhou was already suppressed by Dikongxuan's absolute superiority in cultivation.

The spiritual power in his body couldn't move at all, and Di Kongxuan punched him in the chest.

Duanmu Shenzhou fell to the ground, but the expected ultimate move did not follow.

He got up and looked, Di Kongxuan had already left.

Duanmu Shenzhou slowly clenched his fists, he saw the disdain in the man's eyes.

He didn't even bother to fight with himself, nor did he bother to kill him.

Perhaps this punch was a warning.

Warn him not to get close to Duanmuyi?
Duanmu Shenzhou gritted his teeth slowly, the clay figurine was also very angry, let alone him.

He rubbed his chest and realized that Dikongxuan's punch might have hurt his meridian, so he could only retreat for now and make another plan.

"Who is that person?" He Erchuan tactfully did not follow, and peeked on the roof with Hu Yuexi.

Seeing him leave now, he asked softly.

Hu Yuexi said: "Don't you know? That's my cousin's cousin."

"Peony's cousin?" He Erchuan touched his chin, and suddenly said in surprise, "Peony is from the Duanmu family?!"

Hu Yuexi was even more surprised: "No way, aren't you going to marry your cousin to be the princess?
Don't you know that my cousin is from Duanmu's family? "

"Is your cousin's surname not Hu, but Duanmu?" He Erchuan asked back.

"My uncle married into Duanmu's house." Hu Yuexi said.

He Erchuan stood up and said: "No, this king still knows too little about Mrs. Peony, I have to go and improve our relationship."

"Hey!" Hu Yuexi hurriedly pulled him back, and said in a low voice, "Didn't you listen to what Young Master Di said just now?
The emperor's cultivation base is so high, if he really kills you, where are you going to cry? "

"This king really likes Mudan, she will be my concubine sooner or later, so what's wrong with Di Kongxuan?" He Erchuan chuckled, and patted Hu Yuexi on the head, "Cousin, men can't back down. "

Hu Yuexi rubbed her head, turned her head to look at the empty yard, and blinked.

Di Kongxuan obviously did what he said, he released You Yuan directly and guarded outside Duanmuyi's courtyard.

He Erchuan arrived at the gate of the courtyard, and after staring at You Yuan for a while, he turned his head and climbed the wall.

After he climbed up the wall with all his hardships, he looked down and saw Di Kongxuan leaning against the tree, his eyes were cold, and there was a mass of crimson spiritual power in his palm.

He Erchuan didn't go down, so he squatted on the top of the wall and began to sing.

(End of this chapter)

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