Chapter 1414

He has a rich voice, and he sings the folk songs of the Hull Empire. The general idea of ​​the lyrics is that soldiers yearn for their sweethearts, but they can only express their thoughts to the bright moon on the battlefield.

Duanmuyi finally settled down, but when He Erchuan's loud voice came out, she lost her mind and all her previous efforts were wasted.

She stared at the half-open window and was stunned for a while, feeling angry and funny.

He Erchuan's singing voice is not unpleasant, although the voice is a bit louder, but the tone is very stable, it can be seen that he often sang this song before.

But Duanmuyi doesn't intend to let him ride on the wall and sing love songs.

With his voice, it is estimated that if he continues to sing, the whole border town will hear it.

Duanmuyi pushed open the door, leaned against the door frame, looked at the man on the wall and the man under the wall, and said coldly: "Get out of my yard."

"Peony, this king has made a decision. At your wedding, this king will let the guards sing this song." He Erchuan's glazed pupils shone with dazzling brilliance, and he said confidently.

With a wave of Duanmuyi's hand, the branches of the old locust tree suddenly stretched, and he was thrown directly off the wall.

He Erchuan's voice came from the other side of the wall: "Madam, please wait, I will write a letter right away!"

The spiritual power in Di Kongxuan's hand slowly withdrew, and he immediately looked at Duanmuyi: "There is a passage to the mountain and sea spiritual realm nearby, if you want to go, come and find me."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Duanmuyi looked at his back and frowned - she thought Dikongxuan's attitude was very strange.

According to the past, she has offended him to death these days, and it's his fault if he doesn't punish her to death.

But now it seems that he is very tolerant of himself?

Is it because he identified his own Xin Ruqing?
Duanmuyi deliberately ignored him, but he couldn't help but feel anxious when he thought that he had been practicing non-stop these days, but his spiritual power had not improved at all.

If she could absorb the power of the demon core of the monster, she would be able to reach the late stage of the golden core earlier.

"Cousin, the latest news!" Hu Yuexi ran in from the outside and said, "I heard that the governor's birthday will be in half a month, and the governor's mansion is preparing for a banquet!"

Duanmuyi narrowed his eyes slowly, and lowered his eyebrows: "A birthday party? Then I have to prepare a gift for him."

She made up her mind and took Hu Yuexi to find Dikongxuan.

She decided that she had to go to Shanhai Lingyu again, but by pulling Hu Yuexi along, she avoided being alone with Di Kongxuan, and saved seeing each other and hating each other.

"You have seen that space passage, my spiritual power can only protect one person." Unexpectedly, Di Kongxuan resolutely refused to take Hu Yuexi with him.

Hu Yuexi can also be said to have good eyesight, and immediately said: "Then what, what's the meaning of the mountain and sea spiritual realm, they are all monsters, not as cute as the people of the monster clan.

I won't go, cousin, go by yourself.Oh, by the way, Prince Chuan and I stay here, and we can help you find out news! "

After she finished speaking, she decisively slipped away.

Duanmuyi had no choice but to hold his breath and leave with Dikongxuan.

This time the passage to the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm was in an unremarkable alley in the border town, Di Kongxuan opened the passage as usual, and walked in with Duanmuyi.

And not long after they entered, three figures appeared outside the alley.

"Strange, what about people?"

"Go and report to the governor!"

Governor's Palace.

Shen Hui is listening to the song.

(End of this chapter)

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