Chapter 1415

Recently, a theater troupe came to the border town, and they sang well, so they were found by the housekeeper, that is, the man in blue robe, and dedicated it to Shen Hui.

When the housekeeper Chen Song came to report, Shen Hui frowned slightly: "That's a beggar's alley, what did they go there for? You mean, the people who followed them came back and forth, but found that they were gone?"

"Yes, it's very weird." Chen Song said.

"Tell this matter to Duanmu Shenzhou." Shen Hui said.

Chen Song said in a low voice: "Duanmu Shenzhou came out from there not long ago, it looks like he was injured."

After Shen Hui pondered for a moment, he said, "Aside from Duanmu Shenzhou, who came out of the Duanmu family, is there anyone else who can make up their minds?"


"Then write a letter to the Duanmu family, saying that the Governor is celebrating his birthday, and invite the Duanmu family to come to the banquet.

By the way, to mention this matter a little. "Shen Hui said, "Duanmu Shenzhou is gentle, but he is soft-hearted.

This matter has to be handled by Duan Muhong and the others. "

This time the exit at the Mountain Sea Spiritual Realm is not like the last time it was directly above the Daze, but it seems... not much better.

As soon as Duanmuyi stood firm, he heard an angry roar.

The sound was like the sound of stones colliding. Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan retreated at the same time, one left and one right avoided.

At this moment, Duanmuyi saw clearly that what was rushing forward was a monster that looked like a red leopard.

There was a horn growing on its head, and five tails behind it, three of which were already bloody.

"It's a ferocious beast, we are in Zhang'e Mountain." Di Kongxuan's voice came from the opposite side.

Duanmuyi's back was pressed against the mountain wall, not daring to slack off looking at the ferocious beast in front of him.

The ferocious beast didn't know what was wrong, it was very impatient, and after turning around several times, it looked at Dikongxuan and Duanmuyi anxiously, with bloodthirsty wildness in its eyes.

"Come to my side, this ferocious beast has more than 70 levels of golden core stage cultivation, you are no match for it." Seeing the ferocious beast approaching Duanmuyi, Di Kongxuan said immediately.

Monster beasts of more than 70 levels in the golden core stage are already equivalent to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul of a cultivator.

Duanmu didn't dare to make a fuss, so he moved his steps carefully.

The ferocious beast suddenly became furious, roared wildly, and rushed towards her.

Duanmu thought that there was no way to escape, so he naturally refused to just let him go.

Immediately, the Seven Treasure Blade made a move, and at the same time, with a thought, the mind was divided into two purposes.

While summoning the surrounding plants to roll towards the ferocious beast, he also violently used his soul power to control the ferocious beast.

The ferocious beast's cultivation level was higher than Duanmuyi's by more than one realm, and the "control technique" obviously didn't help much, but at least it slowed down the ferocious beast's movements.

Just when the ferocious beast tore apart the vines blocking it and broke free from the weeds that bound its feet, Duanmuyi just turned over from its side and landed behind it.

As soon as the Seven Treasure Blade pierced into the body mercilessly, the invincible magic weapon immediately pierced through the beast's fur.

Yet no blood.

The ferocious beast roared, and the entire Zhang'e Mountain trembled, countless broken stones rolled down, and many natural jade stones also fell down.

Duanmuyi didn't have time to appreciate the pure jade, the beast's tail had already been smashed down like a mace.

"Ear Fox!" Duanmu thought, and immediately summoned the ear fox.

But unexpectedly, the ear fox did not appear.

(End of this chapter)

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